CHAPTER 12| Talk and Exploration

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The gang had managed to find another hotel. It wasn't really difficult since Suo Tuo City seemed to have a lot of them.

They got two rooms with each having separate beds. Tangsan and Ji shared a room while Lixue and Wu shared the other one, since Wu didn't want to stay in the room alone and choose Lixue rather than the two older boys.

Lixue was currently sitting on his bed as Wu was in the shower. To some it would seem as inappropriate but Lixue didn't see Wu any other way but like a sister so he didn't really care about what others thought of him or what he did.

"I really wanted to teach that arrogant boy a lesson. Why didn't you let as fight him Lixue, especially after he referred to you in that disgusting manner." Wu asked as she came out of the bathroom fully dressed in her night ware, complimentary by Lixue .

"What difference would it had made Wu. If we fought him what difference would it had actually made,you know aside from causing damage to the poor manager's Hotel. It wouldn't be fair and did you see how he was shaking in fear, I didn't like that." He said whispering the last part as he held his butterfly pendant.

Wu looked at him and smiled as she decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

" I guess you're right, but I still don't like him ." She now laid on her bed ready to go to sleep.

"No one said you should." Lixue said as he let out a yawn, placing his head on the pillow. "Goodnight Wu."

"Goodnight Lixue."

The room was put to silence as the two of them finally drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

Lixue was woken up to Wu Screaming his name that in his fright and confusion he jumped of his bed and was embraced by the cold hard floor.

"Wu must you be so loud this early." He asked finally getting over his shock as he looked up at his older sister who only just shrugged as she held him by the arm and shoved him into the bathroom.

"Hurry up and get ready Li,we are going out." Lixue found himself confused again at that,why was them going out making Wu so unusually happy.

"Em..... Wu, where exactly are we going." He asked trying to get some answers to clarify his confused brain.

"We are not going anywhere Lixue,You and Tangsan can do whatever you want as I and Ji go out and explore the city and............" She stopped herself probably knowing that she had said too much as she cleared her throat.

" Just get ready. Tangsan ordered room service and they should be here  any second. I'm leaving now and probably won't be back until late afternoon. Bye."

Lixue only smiled as he brushed his teeth after that taking a nice cold shower. He then rapped a towel around his waist and another one around his hair as he got out of the bathroom.

He however found himself frozen when he opened the door to see Tangsan in the room.

Tangsan's eyes widen at that as he turned around quickly trying to give Lixue some privacy and also trying to hide his red face.

"Sorry,Wu didn't tell me that you were...... em...... I didn't know. I should have knocked first" He apologized to Lixue, the white haired boy shaking his head trying to get himself over his dazed state.

"No, it's nothing." He said quickly getting dressed. Wearing a simple long sleeve white shirt with black shorts with a checkered black and white vest to unite the look, his above ankle boots being put on after he had wore his knee high socks deciding to just let his hair rest as he turned to the older boy who had his back facing him. " You can turn around now."

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