CHAPTER 24| Diamond Soul Battle Team

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They all returned back to the waiting room where their teachers were waiting for them.

"Um Sangy you didn't have to carry me all the way here." Lixue told the boy who gently placed him on one of the sofas in the room simply replying." But I wanted to. You still recovering your soul power so you have to take it easy."

Everyone one else chatted, talking about what had transpired during the match, praising each another for a job well done.

"Great you've won. How do you feel? You have defeated your rivals and become better yourselves. Today's group battle is counted as a test of the second phase training and you all have passed." Master asked the team of youngsters in front of him only for Oscar interpret the recognition in the wrong way.

"Master,are you going to give as a break then after going back?" Dean Frander let out a dry chuckle.

"Don't be too proud young fellow. You can't compete with Emperor Battle Team when it comes to the fight of strength."

"But Dean you've taught us that luck is also a part of our strengths."Oscar didn't seem to want to back down but Dean Frander just saw right through him.

"Little brat, don't get smart with me." Oscar found himself rubbing his head after being smacked on the head by Dean.

Mr. Zhao came in to save the food soul master. "Enough Frander. Stop it. They have been working so hard this time. Master are you going to give them a break after going back?"

Master replied simply "They do need to rest. After this trip, you can have a break of fifteen day. I'll think about your third phase training."

Everyone secretly cheered when they heard the part about a break and groaned when they heard the latter part.

"What, there's a third one?"

"You mean we're not done yet."

"Oh no!"

Master look at them with a scotic face. "Why, do you have a problem."

"No sir."

Just then the was a knock on the door before someone barged in to reveal Micax and a certain man. Lixue stood up,his eyes brighten at the mysterious man.

"Uncle Qin, your here." Qin Ming found himself smiling when the boy came crushing into him, purposely evading Micax who pouted. Qin Ming looked at the teacher in the room greeting them while Micax decided to ignore a certain man in glasses. What was with those two.

"You're the leader of the Emperor Battle Team and Mr. Micax your here with him." Mu Bai asked with confusion evident in his voice looking at the top and the white haired boy that was at his side.

"Well he is my husband and we are both the leaders of the Emperor Battle Team,so it only makes sense that I am with him. I came here mainly to check on Lixue while he ..... well not really sure why he's here." Qin Ming found himself rolling his eyes unamused by Micax words.

Some of them just started at the two. They were married? Wow, that was something they didn't expect. Micax being married was a huge surprise to them as they only now noticed the ring on his finger. How did they miss that the last time.

"Micax, Qin Ming how are you doing?" Master asked the two,he having a chance to meet the man a couple of times. He was even at their wedding.

"Not good at all. Lili is ignoring me because Qi keeps stealing him from me." Micax, childish as always said dramatically to which the people who knew him and his behaviour chuckled at that.

"Little brats, you've improved a lot. It seems like you're both going to catch up with as very soon." Micax laughed at that.

"Regardless of the time, you are always going to be our teachers. We are always going to be disciples of Shrek School?" This cause a stir, not even the quad knew about this.

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