CHAPTER 13| Shrek School

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True to her words,Wu had made Ji carry her on his back as they walked to Shrek School, the boy not being able to refuse her and giving into her demand.

"Wu we've grown up. It's not like you can't walk. Must you worry Ji this much." Tangsan asked as they walked, Lixue also giving her an amused and unamused look which she just shrugged off.

"I don't care, he promised me and as my brother it's his duty."

"Woah Wu, you seem to forget about us as well. What aren't we your brothers as well." Lixue asked faking a hurt expression.

"You are, but Ji promised me and he must fullfil his promise." She said it in a tone that said,this discussion is over.

They walked in silence after that which ended a few minutes after it had began by non other than Wu.

"Didn't master say that Shrek School could be seen not far away from the south gates of Suo Tuo, but we've been walking for so long. Why aren't we reaching there." Everyone stopped and turned,even Ji slightly turned his head backwards, to look at the rabbit eared girl, although she didn't have her rabbit ears at the moment.

"What?" She asked them finally noticing the attention she was getting.

"I am carrying you Wu, so when exactly did you walk." Ji asked finally speaking for once since they started this journey in the morning.  Wu again only shrugged. "Ji, I've said this before and I will say it again. When I ask you to do something it's just like me doing it myself."

Ji didn't want to argue this early in the morning so he just kept quiet as they walked. Wu saw something for where she was and decided to  give the boys a heads up.

"Hey guys look in front."  They did just that to meet a long cue as Wu got down from Ji's back. They joined the long line waiting for their turn.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but Wu, for once you were actually right. This is going to be a long day." Ji spoke eyeing the long line again wondering when their turn would come.

Wu on the other hand fumed at his comment. "What do you mean 'for once I'm right'. I'm always right even when I wrong."

"Sure Wu, and I'm the king of Barak Kingdom." Ji stated with a smug grin on his face.

There bickering continuing as Tangsan and Lixue thought about the same thing.

' When will these two stop acting like children. '

It seemed like forever before they finally reached the middle point of the line.

"Could this line go any faster. I'm tired and bored." Wu whined as she hugged Ji, mostly for support since her legs were starting to fail her or so she said as the darked haired boy blushed madly,the red on his face rivaling that of a tomato.

"Wu stop your whining we are almost there." Tangsan scolded but the rabbit eared girl didn't seem to budge instead she became worse.

"But I want as to be there now." She continued, Lixue only sighed as he placed his hands on one of Tangsan's jade buttons on his belt, Tangsan teaching him how to operate it, to bring out a bottle of lemonade water.

"Wu drink this, you know you could have told as that you were thirsty instead of whining our ears off." He stated unamused by his older sister's behaviour.

"That's why you're my favorite brother Lixue. You always know what I need, unlike some people." She said purposely looking at Ji and Tangsan who just sighed. Wu could be really tiresome, but that what made them love her and they wouldn't want her any other way.

Wu looked forward before having a displeasing look on her face. "Impossible, this is a soul master school? Do you think that Master made a mistake. It doesn't even look like a school here. Is this a deceit." Wu spoke whispering the last part to Tangsan. People also seeming to agree with Wu as they commented about the appearance of the school.

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