CHAPTER 22| Emperor Battle Team 1

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Lixue narrowly dodged the barrages of black ice that headed his way, moving back closer to his team.

"This guy's attacks are ruthless,I don't think we can get close to them if he keeps this up." He informed his team as he place a huge barrier around them when the ice shards were heading their way. It was clear that they wanted to take him out because of his defensive capabilities. No one had actually gotten a hit on each other's team yet because of two particular people.

Rei Todo from the Emperor Team who immediately sent a hail rain of sharp pointy icicle shards at them to take them out quickly and Lixue who put up an ice barrier after just narrowly escaping the surprise attack. But Shrek had a plan, and just had to wait this out.

"Can Lixue keep this up. The attack of this Rei kid is really something else. Just what is Micax and Qin teaching these kids." Dean asked looking out the window at the devastating attack of the Emperor Team. They didn't even seem to be trying.

"Frander don't underestimate Lixue first soul skill that easily. Not even I could break it." Mr. Zhao patted the man on the back while still watching the match. Teacher just looked on,it wasn't that Zhao couldn't break the barrier it was just that he didn't know how it worked. Lixue Unfathomable Ice Barriers were really powerful even though it was gotten from a ten year old soul beast but it still had it's flaws. The barrier had the unique ability of absorbing the soul power in any attack and sending it back at the opponents, basically making the person fight themselves but his ice Barriers was only in it's third soul ring and his opponent had more powerful soul rings. There was only so much that his barriers could take. Looking on he clenched his fist, Lixue could make it. He assured himself.

"Are you seriously going to hide in the whole time snowflake. I expected more from you after reading your profile." Rei Todo said smugly still intensifying his attack while Wu fake vomited at him trying to flirt with her brother.

Suddenly there was a slash of purple claws that sent him flying back to his teammates. Zhu Zhu Qing revealed herself signaling that it was clear for them to attack.

They immediately released their martial souls, Lixue now only having his wings behind him rather than the full on wardrobe change. He had been practicing to find an in between from and he ended up spouting only wings.

Tangsan immediately rapped vines around his teammates waists and Lixue took up into the air. Mu Bai rushed to attack the Black Martial Turtle duo in an attempt to subdue them but their defense was really strong sending Shrek's Captain into the air as Yu Tian Heng shot into the air ready to strike Mu Bai down with blue lightning.

"You feel into my trap. First soul skill- Thunder dragon claws! I exert power power in the air, there no were to run." He yelled sending a huge voltage at the Shrek's Captain but Lixue wasn't going to let that happen.

"Oh no you don't. It doesn't matter were the attack is form, my barriers can block any and all attacks even the ones in mid air. First soul skill- Unfathomable Ice Barrier." An Ice Barrier formed around Mu Bai just as the lightning strike was about to hit him and the impact sent the Ice orb crashing down with a tumb but after the dust clear Mu Bai revealed himself to be perfectly fine and unharmed. The others sighing in relief at that.

"Thanks First Angel." He smiled at the flying boy using Lixue contestant's name the younger boy just winking at him." No problem Evil Eyed White Tiger."

Yu Tian Heng glared at the flying boy. He was really good,no wonder Teacher Micax had told them to be wary of him. He was not only good but he was also from three branches as well. This Lixue Ling boy was being a real problem to them.

"We have to take the pretty butterfly boy out if we want to actually put their team down but that would be difficult. Teachers said he was from Support, Defense and Knee Attack Branch but so far he has only shown the former two. I don't want to find out how he does the latter part." Rei Todo walked up to his captain and told him. Yu Tian Heng rolled his eyes when he heard the his teammate's words, it's not like they didn't know that. They had a plan to do just that but to do it would require someone to get the others distracted.

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