CHAPTER 5| Chicken Man

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Lixue and Ji arrived at Nuoding Academy after a great deal of moving around and asking for directions which was a lot easier said than done. People in Nuoding were really stuck up, some people even ran away from them as if they were the plague. They of course didn't take it to heart,they did as a matter of fact look like they were dipped in mud and decorated with garbage.

Their faces had stains of dirt,Ji being the winner having more dirt stains while Lixue took the award of best dirty clothes mostly..... you know because of all the white he wore which was now somewhere between dirty cream and dirt brown in colour.

Now moving from their horrified appearance, the still hard to believe duo where now seen at their destination, Nuoding Academy.

Both boys were equally excited for completely different reasons. Ji was about to fullfil his life long dream,if you could call being seven as l long life,of being a Soul Master while Lixue just cared about meeting Tangsan again. If he was being honest, Lixue never wanted to be a Soul Master,he was more into textile making.

He could recalled the day he stayed up all night making Tangsan's clothes, using all his saved up money to buy the best fabrics his pennies could afford. Given, he did it out of love,good mind and pure heart but that wasn't the only reason. Sewing was his passion,it was something he loved to do, what made him,him.

He felt homesick when he thought of the sewing machine he left home which he quickly suppressed not wanting to dive into that delicate topic.

The point was,he loved to make clothes and he wanted to open his own boutique someday selling the most beautiful and unique clothes for both man and women ranging in different sizes and suitable for all.

"Hold it! What do you street rats think you are doing here." A voice spoke to them and since Lixue wasn't paying attention he now looked up to see they had reached the main entrance, the only obstacle that stood in their way.....

"Didn't you here me or are you deaf too." ....... and apparently this man was one too. Lixue raised his head trying to get a better look at the man that was trying to stand in his way.

He was really getting tired with everything and everyone and how they seemed to be keeping him from meeting Tangsan. First it was his grandpa,then the whole freak show with the wolves,then some stupid spirit master who thought it would be fun to rob kids for some reason which Lixue didn't really care about at the moment and now this.

Who did this gateman think he was anyway. His dark hair that was even an insult to the colour, Lixue couldn't believe he was defending that exact colour,the brown uniform he wore wait was it a uniform or a security attire, Lixue couldn't care less and well..... let's just say his appearance in general was just sad to put it kindly.

"We are here to become Soul Masters." Ji said with a smug grin as Lixue found himself facepalming.

First off because the statement was completely wrong. Ji was here because 'he' wanted to be a soul Master while Lixue only desire of even being at the front gates of this Nuoding Academy was to met the only person that made his heart ache.

Second,to say something like that so smugly without as much as a thought was really reckless. The ruthless laughter of the gateman suffice as acknowledgement to this.

Sadly Ji didn't seem to get this as he glared angrily at the man. His face turning red as he fumed.

"What are you laughing at. Do we seem like jokers to you." Yeah he didn't want them to answer that, Lixue thought looking down onto his now brown clothes and then back to Ji's muddy face. He changed his mind, Ji really didn't want the man to answer that.

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