CHAPTER 7| Butterfly Spirit

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The next day followed the mini adventure of Lixue and Tangsan, and by adventure ,they were just in Masters office, the said owner of the office not being present at the moment, doing..... em not exactly sure what they were doing actually.

Lixue was hyperventilating,pacing the room back and forth mumbling somethings that was beyond audible while Tangsan tried his best to calm the white haired boy.

"Li, if you continue like this you're going to wear yourself out before the ceremony even starts." Tangsan tried to reason with the anxious boy but his great efforts seem to fall on deaf ears.

But he couldn't really blame Li and if he was being honest he was also anxious. They had just met after a long while of being away from each other and today was what would prove if they could really stay together.

Today was the day Lixue was going to awaken his martial soul, no big deal right?


It was a very big deal. You see if Lixue didn't get a relatively good spirit with some ounce of soul power then he couldn't be a spirit master ,and if he couldn't be a spirit Master then he had no business in Nuoding Academy, and if he didn't have any chance in attending the academy then that means he would be separated from Tangsan which also meant all his efforts would be in vain. It would make everything he had done pointless.

So,you know? No pressure there.

The white haired boy continued his routine, moving back and forth the small room as Tangsan eyes followed his every movement. Since not listening to him, Tangsan made his way towards the moving boy. Grabbing him by the shoulders as a means of restraining the white haired boy,he spoke.

"Li I know that you are nervous right now and trust me so am I, maybe even more you, but the point is..... you need to calm down and stop moving all over the place because it is driving me insane." Lixue sighed understanding Tangsan's sentiments so nodding he found himself embracing the older boy once again and the latter reciprocating the action.

Just then Master came into the room. He raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner as the two boys separated from each other an embarrassed blush on their face. He decided to ignore it as he made made way for a figure to appear.

A man probably in his early adulthood walked into the room. His appearance was moderate. He had a well trimmed ginger brown hair that matched the colour of his eyes. His built was that of an average man his age, nothing really special. His face was woven into a scotic expression clearly making it know that he was not happy to be here. His outfit though was what took Lixue by surprise. He wore a dark brown jacket with skin tight pants that had so many zips on them than he could count. His shoes or rather boots was everything being black with brown stripes decorated on them matching with the cloth tired around his neck.

Lixue was really impressed, this man had taste and weirdly enough people could rock the colour brown,who knew? His fanboying on the strangers choice of clothing was interrupted when said stranger spoke.

"You really made me move all the way here to awaken the spirit of one child. Seriously Xiaogang, couldn't you have had a better use for the favor I owed you." The man asked in a mock hurt tone,his voice a bit pitchy and extremely childish, at the man  both the boys had come to know as Master or as the young man refered to him as, Xiaogang shook his head having an amused smile pasted on his lips.

"You are free to go once you have completed the task given to you, besides I'm sure he can hold on without you." The man's face now turned a deep shade of red, hands involuntary covering his cheeks as he shied away from him.

"Xiaaaaaooogaaaangggg!There are kids in the room and don't talk about my partner like that." Master only sighed already used to the childish behavior of the 20 year old man.

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