CHAPTER 18| Micax the Fire Demon

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It had been three weeks. Three good weeks that Lixue had stayed shut in his room. He didn't eat the food they left at his door step,he didn't even respond to them when they talked to him outside the door. He was shutting everyone out even his father and Tangsan.

Lixue couldn't even begin to think of the boy he loved. He felt like he had failed him and that he was just so pathetic. He couldn't even defend himself form a single man, how then could he be able to call himself a soul master.

Fresh tears poured down from his beautiful eyes again as he sat at the entrance of the room. The room was now frozen solid from head to toe, everything would look beautiful right now if not for the situation he was in.

"Li...... it's me, again. I know....... no I don't know or think I can understand what you're going through at the moment, but I will never give up on you..... we all will. Please Li don't keep shutting me out. Let me help you." Lixue just stayed silent through it all,he heard Tangsan sighed and walked away. That however wasn't the end of it. Almost everyone came to him during the three weeks, giving him information about what was going on or just keep him company. Wu,Ji,Mu Bai, Yu Xiaogang and Tangsan came frequently. Rong Rong, Oscar and Fatty also showed up as much as they could, the latter two always trying to make the boy laugh by saying funny things which never really worked.  

Zhu Zhu Qing also sometimes showed up but didn't really push the boy to do anything and quiet frankly she was the only person he has spoken to for the past few weeks. They had really gotten closer to each other and related really better than neither of them expected. Currently she sat at the other side of the door with her knees embracing her chest.   

"You know I have felt just the same way you're feeling right now Lixue, once before. I felt weak and pathetic and I didn't think I could go on, sometimes I even wanted to give up and just end it all." Zhu Zhu Qing voiced out to him her insecurities.    

"And what changed?" The question was said in a really small and low voice but she still heard it and it made her smile. Maybe Lixue hadn't really given up on himself and just needed a nudge in the right direction. 

"Love." That one word was said with so much content and assurance that Lixue even though quiet not really understanding just kept quite, but Zhu Qing wasn't really done with her reply. "It was the love I had for Mu Bai that made me determined to become stronger. You can relate because I can see how much you love Tangsan and he loves you just as much. Don't make the same mistake I made by letting him go you might regret it in the future." Her words were so sincere,no hint of lies in any of it just pure and honest sincerity.  

The door suddenly opened, Lixue placing a bag outside to the cat girl's surprise, before quickly closing the door again. "Can you please give this to everyone, their uniforms..... well at least that's what I like to think they are. They are specifically designed to suit each person attributes and characters and with phase two of Masters training coming up I think you will need it." To say she was beyond surprised would be an understatement. When exactly did Lixue get time to make this? and where did he even find the strength to make so many of the attire? how did he even get their measurements to be able to make these to begin with. She couldn't answer and she didn't really think she wanted to. 

"I will. Thank you Lixue, not only for the clothes but also having a kind heart." Showing her gratitude she walked away to give the uniforms out.

Dean Frander and Master stood outside the school entrance each having a scowl on their face, but for completely different reasons.
"I can't believe that you made him come here." Frander voice held indifference as he looked at the approaching figure his eyes narrowing at them while Yu Xiaogang only rolled his eyes.

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