CHAPTER 34| Gone.

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Lixue had finally come to a conclusion. He was lost,it was that simple. He was really lost all alone in a creepy dark forest.

After hours of walking for the whole night he finally came to terms to the reality of the matter, and that being that was totally and utterly lost.

"Now I'm just roaming around in circles. Just great." Sighing he took a seat under one of the many big trees in the forest.

Finally sitting down, flashbacks of what had happened the day before flooded his mind again. He tried his best not to think about it but that's the only thing that popped into his mind every single time.

He didn't know what Tangsan would say when he found out..... or if he found out that is. Yes Lixue was not planning on telling him any of the things that had occurred recently but could you blame him?

"Will he even see me the same way after he finds out what I truly am." Lixue lifter his left hand looking at it like it was the cost of all his problem which was probably the truth.

Coming to think of it, Lixue had never once tapped into his second martial soul. He just followed Tang Hao's word and hide it from everyone one even the owner himself. His second martial soul had been dormant for over eight years.

He was curious about it but went against that thought. He didn't want anything to do with that side of him. No one knew about it and he intended to keep it that way, his second martial soul shall be forever hidden. From the world and himself.

"I may not know what happened and I may also want answer but if that will jeopardize my relationship with my friends, my family and Tangsan then I will rather not know anything about me." Lixue concluded with teary eyes.

He knew what he had said to 'Tang Hao' was the truth and nothing but that,but he couldn't help but have second thoughts about everything.

If he really did stay with Tangsan after knowing all of the things that he knew, then what future would they both have? He would just be putting the person he loved  and everyone else that he cared about. He was currently just a danger attracting magnet.

But on the other hand if he decided to leave them without so much as a goodbye then they would all be deeply hurt but still be safe. They wouldn't have to get hurt by anyone that would try to kill him and absorb his soul ring.

He was a soul beast for crying out loud and not just any soul beast but the last billion year old soul beast in the whole Douluo world and if somehow word of this got out then he was sure that all the Titled Douluo's in the world would come after him, eradicating any obstacle that stood in their way.

"Can I really do that to them.... to him? Going back now is like signing a death wish for everyone." Lixue asked to himself but deep down he already knew the sad answer to the question he had asked. His eyes were teary as he thought about what would happen to everyone that he loved if he was to go back to them.

The white haired boy felt conflicted,his heart telling one thing and his brain telling him something completely different.

"I'm glad that you see that." A voice said behind him making the white haired boy jump up and stand in a defensive position.

He looked in the direction of the voice to find a man coming out of the shadows. Like he literally did that coming out of the dark like he and darkness were one.


Lixue wouldn't lie,he felt really afraid at that and he didn't know why but the man's presence made him feel weak. His dark presence alone being overwhelming for the white haired boy.

The shadow man had darker than usual black hair with deep black purple eyes and sickly pale coloured skin. His had dark lines at each side of him neck that moved upwards moving to his jawlines.

The man was dressed in nothing but black sliver armour with the plates on his shoulders covered with words that no one but he himself would probably be able to read and a dark red cape.

Gui Mie upon seeing the boy didn't know what to feel. Memories of the past came rushing back into his mind and it hurt. It hurt him so much.

"You really do look just like him." The shadow man said his low voice sounded longing as he reached to touch the young boy's face only to stop when his hands was half way there.

'This isn't Li,Gui Mie. Get your priorities straight.' He told himself trying his best to not remember the events of the past.

Lixue looked a bit uncomfortable at the man's action but he could see the emotions swirling in his eyes.

Mie Gui Mie eyes indicated a mixture of different emotions that Lixue couldn't really depict but what he was sure that he did see,was a tear that run down the man's face.

Lixue raised an eyebrow at that,his tensed face softening but he still stood in his defensive position ready to attack if the shadow man tried to got near like he did the first time.

This seemed to bring the shadow man out of his longing state stare, clearing his throat and looking away. His face held a hurt expression while he unconsciously held his face with his right hand probably remembering something.

Lixue seeing this action of the shadow man made him lower his guard, tilting his head in confusion. "Did you know my father?"

Gui Mie looked at the boy, studying his every feature. He couldn't believe just how the two looked everything alike. From the snow white hair and skin, to the beautiful face that he loved so much. The resemblance was uncanny.

"Which one?" Gui Mie tried to joke but failed miserably when he saw the cute pout of the white haired boy.

Some good memories came back to him. It was like Li Ling was standing right in front of him and he couldn't help but remember the past which were only bad memories, the previous good ones disappearing.

This made Gui Mie had to constantly remind himself that Li Ling was gone and there was nothing he could do about it.

The only thing he could do however was to fullfil his beloved last wish before he died and that was to protect Lixue.

The boy may now know what he was but Gui Mie had no doubt that Bibi Dong had somehow twisted the truth for it to work in her favor. The woman was ruthless, what she did to the small village the white haired boy uses to leave in serving as proof.

Bibi Dong was already very powerful as it was yet if she had Lixue soul ring there was no telling how powerful she would become.

Million year soul beasts where already hard to find, some believing them to be myths and he would bet his life that no one had ever even heard of a Billion year soul beast.

Only the heavens knew what would happen if that information got lose.

Gui Mie couldn't allow that to happen,he had already lost Li Ling and would not break his promise.

"Lixue I don't have time to explain everything but you are in danger. The man that you saw yesterday was not the person you think. Please come with me and let me send you somewhere safe before she finds out what is actually happening." That was new. Lixue looked at the man sceptically while blinking rapidly in confusion. What did he mean the man that he met yesterday wasn't Tang Hao........ It was him. He saw him with his own eyes.

"Ummm...... Excuse we what?"Gui Mie's eye twitched. How was he to explain this to the twelve year old boy. That hey kid, the man that you met yesterday was in reality a woman and not just any woman but the supreme pontiff of Martial Soul Hall who wants to kill you and also take revenge on your deceased parents.

Yeah No! he wouldn't say that.

"I'm sorry." He simply said before putting a cloth on the white haired boy lower face.

Lixue didn't have time to react as the drug in the cloth began to take effect making his eyes became heavy and his body becoming limp in Gui Mie's arms.

Gui Mie really was sorry for what he had done to the boy but he had no choice. It was for his own good and the good of everyone else that the boy remain hidden for sometime.

Dark purple energy began to from around them and before long they both vanished into the shadows.

Lixue was gone.


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