CHAPTER 20| Uniforms and Drinks

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Lixue sat in the waiting room of Suo Tuo City with a pout wearing his regular clothes. To anyone he looked really cute with the face that he pulled but the white haired boy was really annoyed. He still couldn't believe that he was forced to ware the battle uniform he was wore during the battle and he didn't even get a say in the name they gave him, mostly due to Wu. What kind of name was Shrek's first Angel,he could do some really bad stuff too. He could be a monster like the others. 

He still didn't even know how Wu came to know about  the uniform he had made in the first place. It was as he expected, the quality of fabrics he bought didn't reach nine people, there was one person who didn't get the uniform and that was him. He had initially planned on siting the first few battles out while he worked on his own uniform but that didn't happen. The uniform he was wore a while ago wasn't that bad it was just distinctive from the other,his being white while everyone else was totally black with their signature colours on each side, not to forget how it made him look like the black sheep in the team...... or in this case the white sheep. He didn't know why he made that uniform in the first place,he didn't really have anything doing in the room for two weeks after finishing making the eight battle uniforms so he decided to experiment with the fabric that was gifted to him. Turns out that they had taken it with them that night.... well Mu Bai did and he was very grateful to him for that.

The point of the matter being that, the white uniform wasn't supposed to be wore when having battles,it was going to be laying in his room collecting dust at the least or selling it to someone at the most. It didn't help that everyone's attention immediately went to him when they entered the battle ring and the annoying comments on whether he was really a boy or not. He hated the latter part the most.     

"Come on Lixue turn that frown upside down." His eyes shot daggers at the girl who caused all of this in the first place. Wu was really overbearing sometimes and this was one of the sometimes.

"Wu don't make him more agitated than he already is or else he would become even cuter." When did Ji ever side with Wu. That was it, Lixue was sure he was officially losing his mind. He leaned in more into Tangsan's embrace having enough of the two.  

"It really does suit you, you know? The uniform and the name." Tangsan informed him, the white haired boy just sighing while he tried to make himself comfortable. Just then master walked in making everyone go quiet and the silence was a bit suffocating if Lixue was being honest.

"Tell me how you all feel from today's battle soul." Straight to the point as always. Lixue really didn't feel good about any of his battles really,he basically did nothing like literally nothing at all to help the team.

"I felt good in a single battle, but we didn't cooperate well in the group battle." Mu Bai's words were painfully true and it somehow made Lixue feel worse about himself.

"I was a burden to all during the group battle, making less contribution to the team which makes it harder for as to defeat a stronger opponents." Oscar should really cut himself some slack,he wouldn't have been a burden if Lixue had actually been able to teach them well and who made less contributions than anyone else it was him. He was a failure...... at least that's what the white haired boy thought about himself. 

"I didn't do anything at all. I made zero help to anyone and I........" Lixue found himself stating his flaws but was stopped when the teacher raised his hand to silence them.

"All of you are wrong, especially you Lixue. What I want to tell you is that all of you have done a  good job today and I'm very satisfied. You are still lacking of some tactic bonds but this is your very first group battle so it understandable. Plus the opponent is a team with the member's level of above thirty five. They had gained seven victories in a row but you all performed extremely well and won the battle. What you have all done today was beyond my expectations!" He now took a seat facing them as he continued to speak.

"Ao, Lixue you shouldn't undervalue yourselves, you've never given up in contributing to the team. Ao it was your Swift Flight Mushroom sausage that turned danger into safety at that crucial moment and Lixue your Unfathomable Ice Barriers did a very good job in defending everyone from the opponents attack. Each one of you did play an essential role in the group battle. Shrek's Eight Devil's and First Angel is a team. Each of your is indispensable." He guessed his dad was right but it still was difficult for the white haired boy to believe that. He was really a far step behind.

"Hey master,are you coming back purposely to praise the kids?" Adjusting his glasses the Dean said rather sceptically while Micax just rolled his eyes saying something under his breath.

"Of course I'm not. I just want to tell them that they are good and with more practice they can become the best." Micax just rolled his eyes again,he was getting really tired of being in the same room with the four eyed owl. What was up between them.

"I will allow you all to rest for the day tomorrow, but you have to analyze today's performance together and tell me before the soul battle the day after tomorrow. And never stir up any conflicts when we're away, especially in between soul masters." Master warned his voice stern with the Dean also agreeing with him. "Master is right, don't stir up trouble. However if someone gets on your nerves, don't let down Shrek school either."

They nodded in understanding.

The teachers were now leaving the arena, the students already being gone for an hour or two already.

"Alright, I will have to get going. Qin is waiting for me. Say Goodbye to Lixue for me, even though we would probably be seeing each other again." Micax proclaimed giving his farewell before leaving. The three Shrek teachers continued on their way back to the school. 

"Gang, these kids have brought me more and more surprises. It's was a really good idea to hand them over to you for training." Dean said as they walked but Master couldn't take all the credit. "They are talented too, their opponents were five levels higher than them and the total soul rings are three more yet they still worn. This proved their extraordinary talents."

"But I'm still lost. Compared to Tangsan the fatty Hong Jun is still far behind." Dean expressed his concern. "Even I've been teaching for years but I'm still not as good as you."

Master felt amused. "This is really obvious but you rarely admit it." Dean Frander seemed to be offended by that.

"Do I look like someone who doesn't admit their defeat." He tried to defend himself but that was immediately foiled by Mr. Zhao. "Yeah right, you did bet with me last time and you lost ten gold coins to me but you didn't admit that."

"Why you......" Frander was short of words, mostly because it was true. Master found himself laughing at his friend speechless expression.

"Come on Frander. I feel like having some beers now and since you have admitted your defeat treat as, won't you." Frander sighed.

"Alright then. I'll make you both drunk."

The three walking into the night.


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