CHAPTER 25| Father Son Time.

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Lixue felt sick to his stomach at what they had just than. It was just so sickening,the blood oozing from the lifeless bodies in front of them was not something he could bare. He was the first person to leave the battle ring before any of his teammates. What had they done?

Silves Soul Arena,one of the most darkest Soul Battle Arena in all of Suo Tuo City. It was also located in the bad parts of the city a place that most of them had never seen before. That was were they were to battle for the day but they did something more dangerous than just fighting. They had actually killed people.

Oscar and Fatty used the walls around them as a source of support while breathing heavily and throwing up like crazy. Zhu Zhu Qing and Rong Rong didn't even know what was happening at the moment the latter being helped to cop by Xiao Wu and Ji. Mu Bai tried to talk to Lixue but the white haired boy was shaking violently, like literally trembling that he didn't notice the time the tears began to escape his eyes.

"San, just now. We......." Not even Mu Bai could utter the word that best described the vile thing that they did.

"Master said they were a group of ruffians." Lixue didn't know why but that made him angry with what Tangsan had said.

"So does that gives as the right to do the thing that we did. Couldn't there have been another way." His voice was harsh and cold, his eyes red and fluffy from crying,and that took everyone by surprise but they understood that Lixue would probably take it the hardest.

Tangsan didn't know what to say to calm Lixue down so he didn't. He just brought the white haired boy into his arms while living held onto him like his life depended on it.

"As a soul master, this is a problem you will have to face sooner or later. Those in front of you are the obstacles that you must overcome. To face it now is better than the battlefield in the future. Or else the one who falls can be you." Lixue couldn't accept that and he made it known to his adopted father.

"That's not right,to take another person's life. No one has the right to do that to anyone no matter what they have done. There is always another way,a way better than this." Moving away from Tangsan's embrace he told the master.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the boy sternly. He knew Lixue would be the most difficult one to understand this but he couldn't be soft this time. He had to toughen him up for his own good. He hated the baiting card he was about to use on his son but he did it anyway.

"Ling, let me ask you something. If Tangsan was to be in a place were he he was about to be killed by a soul master and you could save him, but to do that you have to take the life of the villain. What would you now." Lixue felt like that question was a trap so he didn't answer. He wasn't going to fall for the bait.

"There's always another way." He stubbornly said not backing down the tears still streaming from his eyes.

"Ling you have to come into terms with what happened. It was either them or you. Stop acting like a child." Master raised his voice the younger boy glaring at him.

"Thank you for pointing that out. We are 'just kids' and look at what we have done. We killed people."

"They are not dead, they've just been disabled for life."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? Because if so then it's not working."

"No it's not. I'm just saying that you had no choice."

"I always have a choice!"

They were practically screaming now and safe from a certain few most of them looks at the two baffled. Mu Bai tried to ease the growing tension between father and son but was stopped with both their looks that screamed 'STAY OUT OF THIS.'

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