CHAPTER 6| In The Academy

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After the duo's encounter with the man they call master they now found themselves in Nuoding Academy.

They had been admitted to the school and had been assigned dorms,a bath and a change of clothes which Lixue whole heartedly detested but what can you do, since his things going missing during the whole wolf chasing wanting to tear him and Ji to shred incident, he couldn't really complain.

He was also given a uniform that he would during school hours and Master made it clear that him still not having a martial soul must be kept a secret until he could awake one which was going to be the next day but that was for a later note.

Lixue found himself walking in one of the many halls of Nuoding dorm house being lost as ever. He now wore a pale grey long sleeve shirt with long dark blue jeans, yeah the clothes in itself were bad but the color scheme in Lixue opinion made the clothes he wore fell like torture.

His long,soft white hair was also tied into a ponytail once more as his skin became free from all dirt making him look like he came out of a fairytale minus the clothes he found himself in though.

He looked so different after cleaning up that Master though he couldn't really be a boy. Ji however confirmed it to the master that Ji was actually a hundred percent (100%) male with a bit of a feminine touch and by a bit he meant a lot. But we are moving of topic here.

Lixue was assigned to dorm seven while Ji was assigned to dorm five,and right now he was lost. He was also told by master that both he and Lixue were going to be apprentices. Whatever the heck that even was?

He was so confused right now,not just because he couldn't find his dorm in the gigantic building...... okay maybe major was actually from but also because,well ......, because of everything.

He had given up his home,his grandfather he adored so much, his life,if you call everyone looking at you like you were a mistake a life then yeah he gave that one up too,all of it for a boy?

Ture Tangsan was his best and only friend,the first person except his grandfather that accepted him for who he truly was and also the person who saved him for his bullies, but to go through so much for him was baffling to Lixue. All this confusion completely intensifies with how his heart reacts when as much as Tangsan's name is mentioned or when he thinks about said boy.

It's like he can't control himself,his heart would continue to beat rapidly when he was mere inches away from Tangsan and he would feel like doing just about anything to make Tangsan smile. He also, you know travel like six miles going through dark creepy forests, narrowly escaping a pack of hungry and anger wolfs and also nearly being robbed by a spirit master all in his quest of meeting Tangsan.

Could Lixue be even more in love? Not even Lixue could answer that.

The sound of bodies bumping together brought Lixue back to reality.

"Hey! Watch it, that really hurted ...ow" a voice whisper yelled.

He looked around trying to find the direction the voice came from. After a quick sweep of the area his eyes locked on the ground, seeing a rabbit eared girl rubbing her probably sore elbow as she sat on the ground,she also probably being the owner of the spiteful voice.

' What happened just now ?' Lixue thought only now realizing that he was on the ground as well.

It took him a while to figure out that he was one of the unfortunately bum into the girl, probably not paying attention to where he was going to.

"I'm so sorry em ........ Pretty rabbit girl. I wasn't paying attention and then bumped into you. Here let me help you up." Lixue spoke stretching out his right hand, after getting up, to the girl with the rabbit ears ,who gratefully took it.

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