CHAPTER 37| Confusion & Decision.

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Lixue let out a sigh of exhaustion. His face gave of the expression total confusion as he reflected on everything that had occurred in the past year.

He didn't even know what was wrong with him or what he wanted. He first wanted to stay with his family and friends,then he didn't and now he wanted to be with them again despite the danger he knew he would be putting them in.

He didn't know what to think of that. If he even was to go back what would he tell them about his freakish disappear?

How would he explain to them.... to Tangsan,if he was even there, that he disappeared for their own safety?

All these questions and more ran through his already confused mind while still looking at the outside view of the forest,all from the comfort of his treehouse.

"What am I going to do?" He asked himself still looking at outside.

Hmmm...... He seemed to be doing that lately, just sitting down and looking outside the window of his treehouse like some sort of old man.

He didn't really want to cultivate  because he had already reached level forty-six and that alone was astonishing due to his age and Gui Mie didn't really tell him much even though the shadow man seemed to know much more than he let on.

The man just disappearing in a very bad state and reappearing to check up on him in a worsened state than before,all because he was hiding Lixue from a woman who wanted to kill the boy.

This was something that made Lixue very confused about also. Why was this man doing all of this for him and why was he also keeping so many secrets.

Lixue was also getting really annoyed with that and the fact that some lady very powerful fooled him by disguising herself as Tang Hao made him very uneasy.

This woman already knew that he was the last billion year soul beast and yet when she had him in her reach, where she could have easily killed him and absorbed his soul ring, she didn't.

That thought alone sent shivers down his spine. Who exactly was that woman? Why did she impersonate Tang Hao? How did she even know about Tang Hao and Him to begin with and most of all why did she not kill him?

All these questions he asked Gui Mie who just got into a bad mood saying that she was dangerous and that Lixue should stay as far away from her as possible.

This reply from the shadow man confused Lixue greatly since he first of didn't know what the women looked like or where she lived but he kept that part to himself.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice when a small bird landed on the edge of the window. This bird just like most of the creatures in the forest were very unique and interesting.

This said bird tilted it's beautiful sea green coloured feathered decorated head in curiosity, it's big black pulps staying fixed on the white haired boy who had yet to notice it.

"What are you doing lazing around for kid?" To any ordinary person that would sound like just any normal bird chirping to it's hearts content but that wasn't the case for Lixue.

He understood every single word,no chirp that the bird had muttered. The white haired boy"s head snapped to the direction where he heard the familiar voice and smiled.

"Lu yi! You're here and out of your nest,but what about your little unhatched hatchlings." The bird let out a sound that sounded like a chuckle her head now in the right position as she flew and landed on the boy's shoulder.

Lu yi was a Arisprite, a kind of soul beast from the bird family with the unique abilities of healing any and all wounds be it physical or mental. Lu yi was at 11,540 years old but most would notice this fact because of her size and very fragile nature.

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