CHAPTER 9| Mind Change

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Semi-mature content ahead, read at your own expense.

Also content about Toxic relationship.Do not romanticize.

A figure walked through the woods, just at the outskirts of Nuoding Academy, groaning and hissing with every step he took. His body ached all over and if you had been flung across a street into a wall like he had ,you would probably bear with him.

His whole body shivered when a small cabin came into view. He was a good distance from the city and now only dawning on him that he would be alone with..... WHIT HIM, he didn't want that......... no he did, but......... but he had no choice but to continue on his way. But nothing. He had no say in the matter.

He didn't even want to go after those kids, but he did ,so he couldn't complain.

This man was non other than the person who tried to steal the necklace of Lixue in the alley way. He looked different now,the dirty hood removed from his head to reveal face of a  surprisedly young man probably around the age of twenty five and above. His dark green eyes dull and void of the all mischievous glint he previously had the day before now engulfed with only fear and anguish.

Upon entering the cabin,he hesitated to go in although that was fixed quickly when someone pulled him inside  shutting the already weak door quite violently with a bang. His already aching body being slammed onto the ground with a tremendous amount of force that his pain intensified.

The mugger looked fearfully at the bigger figure infront of him, opting to not think about the pain he was feeling at the moment but rather the pain he was soon going to go through, as the tears streamed down his face when his throat was apprehended by two very strong hands lifting him off of the ground, dangerous whitish grey eyes staring back at his dark green orbs.

"Shi please... aha .... can't ..... breath." He pleaded raising his head up to try and get the air his lungs so desperately needed. The figure, now know as Shi, didn't seem to care as he tighten his hold making the man gasp in pure pain and agony as he tried to raise his head higher in a desperate bid to get air into his body.

"You were beaten by children. Seriously Yurina, are you that pathetic. Don't you know what's at stake here. Don't you know who it is we are working for. Do you want as to get killed or something. The man is an insane person and look what you went ahead and done." He spat as his grip tighten even more, Yurina not thinking he could hold on any more with how hard Shi was holding him.

"Shi.... please...... Air." He pleaded,this time seeming to get through to the bigger man. Shi let go dropping him violently onto the ground, Yurina taking in deep breaths that was previously denied to him.

"You had one job Yurina. One job and you failed me. The boy was supposed to be in our hands right now or maybe something of his , but he is not and it is all your fault." He said as he swung around giving Yurina a sharp hot slap, the sound echoing through the dimly lit and silent room. Followed by a series of beatings before Shi stopped certainly satisfied with his work. He then carried Yurina bridal style.

Yurina couldn't do or say anything but silently cry as Shi carried him to their bedroom.

There he was going to be punished as well, but at least there would be pleasurable.

He was violently shoved onto the bed,Shi hovering over him lust and anger evident in his eyes as he began to undress the younger man beneath him.

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