Twenty - *Fail to Skate*

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It's Christmas Eve and it doesn't feel like it at all. I usually have this gut feeling and a gush of happiness every year it's Christmas Eve, but not this year. I know it's because I'm not home, but I really hope today turns into a good day as if I was with my family.

I turn the radio up, taking in all the Christmas music I can. At home i would listen to Christmas music every single say, but these past few days in New York I haven't at all.

I sing along to jingle bells as I stir eggs in expensive metal pan I cousin in the kitchen. The oven is smaller, but I'm just happy there actually is one. Bacon grease pops onto my skin and I turn down the heat low before putting in two pieces of wheat toast. Im really glad there was a grocery store close to the hotel otherwise Harry and I would have had to go out to breakfast again. I like home cooked meals much better.

"Do you have to blare Christmas music at ten o'clock in the morning?" Harry's voice is raspy and his eyes look droopy as he sits down on the bar behind me. I turn to him and smile at his tiredness.

"You look like s hit," I say and he glares at me.

"I didn't sleep."

"Why not?" I turn back around and attend my cooking.

"I don't know. Just kept thinking," he says and gets up from his chair before moving into the kitchen next to me.

I stir the eggs a little more and he hovers over me, making my arm chill. I place the bacon onto a plate and soak up all the grease and butter the toast with Harry still watching me. I tell myself to ask him to help, but rule against it.

"Bacon?" Harry looks at me like I'm crazy.

"That's for you," I laugh.

"Oh. I was gunna say. What vegetarian only eats bacon?"

Harry and I chuckle before he goes into the fridge and praises the orange juice I just bought.

"You know I was thinking about becoming vegetarian," Harry says before pouring himself a glass of juice and downing it.

"Really?" I'm surprised.

"No, not really," Harry chuckles and grabs a piece of bacon before stashing it into his mouth. He sits back down and I can feel his eyes burning into me.


"Soooo what?" I ask and place a plate of breakfast in front of Harry.

"Aren't you going to say something to me?"

My stomach begins to ache as I think maybe he's talking about what we mentioned last night.

"What?" I ask, before nervously taking a bite of my toast.

"Fine. I'll say it first." Harry glares at me and there's a silence between us. I begin to feel light headed as he continues to stare me down.

"Merry Christmas Eve."

I let out a breath and begin to laugh more at myself than Harry, "Merry Christmas Eve to you too."

During breakfast Harry and I decide to just wing the whole day. I told him that I really want to go ice skating and he promised he would take me as long as we got pizza for lunch. I happily agreed.

Before we leave the hotel, I get dressed into a white-dress that is thick material to keep most my body warm. I wear green leggings under-neath to keep my legs covered and a red jacket to keep the Christmas theme going. When I walk out of the bathroom, Harry is standing by the door in a black jacket with a long scarf around his neck.

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