*Eight- Change of Mind*

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A small ringing invades my ears and causes me to come out of my sleeping state. On instinct, I reach towards the noise, expecting it's my phone going off. My eyes widen and I let out a gasp when my hand smacks down on something hard. I sit up and realize I'm not in the living room, but in Harry's bed, still. I remember coming in here, but I don't remember Harry telling me to go back to the couch like I told him to do. I look down at the hard place I hit and see a body shape underneath the white comforter. Did Harry seriously come in and sleep in the same bed as me?

The ringing continues and I gently push on Harry's shoulder. He doesn't move or flinch, so I push a little harder. "Harry." I say, but still nothing. My annoyance grows from his non-response and the annoying ringtone still playing over and over. "Harry!" This time I yell and swat at where I'm guessing his head is. It's hard to tell with him fully buried underneath the blanket.

He finally jolts up and looks confused at first. He notices me looking down at him and he quickly sits up before giving me a deathly glare. Before I could tell him to turn off his phone, he picks up a pillow and aims right at my head. He hits his target and it causes me to fall off of the bed and onto the hard, wood floor. I screech in pain before quickly recovering and standing up to confront my attacker. A low growl comes from my throat when I see he has returned to his normal sleeping position, but this time with a pillow on top of his head.

The annoying sound hasn't stopped and my anger grows for Harry's childish ways. Before I realize what I'm doing, my feet scatter across the other side of the bed. I tear the pillow away from his head and he immediately looks up to me with a squinted scowl, "God, would you leave me alone!" His voice is raspy from sleep and he can barely yell.

"Would you turn off your damn phone!?" I shout and he looks at me confused for a second until he notices the repeating sound. He flips his body around and feels his body for his phone. He lifts up the comforter and moves his hand around until he finds the small object beneath his feet. He pushes something on his phone and my ears dance with joy when the unbearable noise stops.

"Now, go away." He lays back down and closes his eyes.

"Why did you sleep in the same bed as me?" I ask with crossed arms. I'm annoyed he didn't just wake me up. If my dad knew I slept in the same bed as a boy, I would never hear the end of it.

"This is my bed" He huffs and I hit at his arm. He hisses at me, but I ignore it and open my mouth to speak.

"I told you to wake me up when you were going to bed." I argue and he lets out a whine before sitting up.

"You don't think I tried." He mutters before standing on his feet and pushing me out of his way. The bathroom door slams and I want to pull my hair out from his stubbornness.

I decide to drop the pointless argument and instead go back into the living room. I really need to shower, but I'm almost afraid to ask Harry if I can use his shower. I tell myself that I'll ask him anyway, even though I have the possibility of getting turned down.

I clean up my unused bed and pull my phone out from my bag, where I last put it. I have two missed calls from my dad and one from Mr. Styles. I decide to call Mr. Styles first.

"Olivia, how is everything?" He picks up immediately and I quickly respond.

"Everything is wonderful! New York is amazing so far and the hotel is so nice!" I state with excitement to make Mr. Styles feel better. I know he's probably worried about how Harry is acting.

"That's great! How's Harry? is he being nice to you?"

Before I could answer, Harry comes out of his bedroom. He looks groggy and he looks at me before moving to the kitchen.

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