Day 6 of being with her

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"Oi! Sasuke! There you are!"
Naruto is running towards Sasuke while carrying a Guitar Case.

Naruto was Sasuke friend in College, they meet each other in party of freshman 4 years ago.

They had a different course and a lot of differences but Naruto still insist of being his friend even though Sasuke doesn't have any interest of having friends.

"Why didn't ya go yesterday at the venue, I play a pretty good song?"
Naruto said.

"I have something important to do"
Sasuke said.

They were walking towards their campus.
They don't have a first period so they walk straight to cafeteria and order something to for breakfast.

Naruto was a singer, he sometimes got rented to sing event to event and earn money that way.

Naruto's parents died because someone kill them but the perpetrator doesn't get caught yet and still wanted. It was 15 years ago, and he was only 6 years old.

He still blaming himself of what happened because he didn't close the window that night. Despite of being lonely, he surrounded himself alot of friends who can support him.

"Ya know" Naruto bites at the sandwich he ordered.
"Ya know her, the smartest girl in Oncology"
He takes another bite
"Ya know her, the pink one" he takes another bite but everytime he talks some of the food his chewing starting to spat out his mouth and it was gross for Sasuke.
"Dummy! Don't eat while talking, it's gross"
Sasuke said.

Then suddenly Naruto slammed the table makes everyone look at their direction.
"Ya know her, the pretty girl!" Naruto said.
"Mmh.." Sasuke said with agreement.

Naruto bow to everyone then sat down on the table. "Ya know, I've never see her since 5 days ago"

"Why do you even concern yourself in her anyway?" Sasuke said.

"Because Sasuke!, I've been having crush on her ever since we meet in freshman party" Naruto said.

What Sasuke hears made his eye twitch and got suprised by Naruto said.
He gulped down and ask.
"So you been stalking her something like that?" Sasuke ask.

"What? No, it's just I always see her riding the same train with me almost every day" Naruto sighed.

"But lately, I don't see her anymore..."

Sasuke eye twitch again and he gripped more tightly into the can that he's holding.
"D-do you know her?" He ask

"Yeah, her name was Sakura, I talked to her only once in the party but, I kinda like her, I don't talk to her because I was nervous if she disliked me or not" Naruto scratch his back and slightly blushed.

Sasuke notice "D-do you have feelings to her?" He asked.

"We-well, I do, even tho we only talked once but she's kinda popular so I heard alot about her, and she's pretty and kind and stuff" Naruto starting to blush.

Sasuke feels like his ear is bleeding from all off Naruto is saying.
"I saw her in the orphanage, and all the kids like her and I think..."

Sasuke hearing is starting to blurr and more static,his ears starting to not listen to him. His sight starting to darken. He felt anger, he felt range.

"Sasuke? SASUKE!"
Naruto shake Sasuke and the next thing he knew, he was walking towards his class.
"By the way, see ya!" Naruto run in opposite direction and waving his hand to Sasuke.

'no, I don't have to bother about everyone who likes Sakura, because I already had her, She's already mine.'

Sasuke walked towards train station, board the train and walked towards convenient store. He works there as a part time job. He opened the door and walk towards to staff room.

"Oh, finally Sasuke!" A man named Suigetsu that is wearing a uniform put his arm around Sasuke.
"Suigetsu" Sasuke said.

"Finally, By the way, after your shift, please take out the trash and put everything in their shelf, I'll be returning late since I had a new job as a construction!" Suigetsu said.

Sasuke nodded.
Suigetsu once been in prison before when he was 16 years old, because of being drug addict but he was given another chance to change his life. He doesn't have a parents only his grandmother.

Despite of dropping out the school, he works hard for his grandmother.

Suigetsu changed his uniform into clothes and both him and Sasuke go out the staff room.

"Oh! By the way, my granny said that there's a girl is living in the top of her going in the same University as you, recently she's been missing, do you know her? Named Sakura"

Of course Sasuke knows that Suigetsu will asked that he also knows that Suigetsu's grandmother was the landlord of Sakura.

"No" Sasuke said bluntly.
"Well, it's a large University after all, you can't know everyone there" Suigetsu said and left.

After his shift, Sasuke walks home since his house was near and also Sakura's was also near, they always go in the same road going home.

He took a quick glance at her apartment and saw outside her missing poster and a lady handing and putting her poster.

The lady saw Sasuke had the ID lace of the university so she approached him.

"Can I asked you if you saw my daughter? please she's missing" she handed him a missing poster of Sakura.
"I'm sorry but no, I don't know her" Sasuke said. Another lies.

"Oh! Thank you, please if you see her, please call me my number was on the paper, thank you for the time" and the lady walks away.

But Sasuke didn't felt anything, he was numb, he doesn't feel guilty of sad. Just nothing.

He opened the gate and his door and immediately locked it.
He puts his bag beside and take off his Shoes.

He needs to cleanse. He run towards the door of the basement and found her asleep.
He walks down slowly so he won't wake her up and slowly hug her.

"No one can take you away from me" he whispers.

You're mine now...

Obscurité de l'ombre (Obsessed Sasuke)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن