Chapter before Day 1

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She woke up, there's still chain in her left arm. She feel headache.
"Ugh" holding her head, she was in sit up position.
She slowly remembering what happened the night before. Her sight is kinda blurry.

"Good morning" the strange man said.
She was sitting in his lap, wearing a bloody wedding dress. She hold tight to him.He was wearing a suit and loose bowtie.

Her eyes widen when she saw a bloody thing infront of them.
No. It's not a thing, it's a corpse wearing a white cloke.
It's a old looking guy, with a book in his hand, he was lying down while the blood is all over the floor, the only light in that room was the moon light.
She saw the face of the man, his eyes is still open and his mouth was full of blood, there's a stab wounds in his chest part.

"Oh, You see it don't you?" Sasuke plays with her hair while his other hand is holding her.
"You see, the priest doesn't listen to me, he doesn't want us to get married so, I kill him"

Sasuke leans and whisper "that's what will happen to the people who doesn't listen to me my love" he chuckles.

Sakura didn't believe what she's looking at, she try to convince it was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare.
She hold him right by his collar.

"Please, please" she whispers.
He only let a big smile on his face, and kiss her forehead.


She woke up again, but this time she was in bed, her hand is chained at the end of the bed, and she saw him sitting at the chair, looking at her.

His clothes were bloody and he had a creepy smile on his face.
Good morning my love..

Obscurité de l'ombre (Obsessed Sasuke)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant