Days of stalking her

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I saw her again, for so many years had passed, I saw her today...

After the incident in their house on Tokyo, Sasuke had no other choice to live again back in Iwaki, back in their old house.

His brother's close friend Kakashi live with him temporarily since he's still a kid after all.

Their house was up, their balcony is enough to see the sea, sometimes Kakashi finds Sasuke in the balcony, holding a recorder. A voice record of his mother singing his lullaby.

Uchiha had fallen...

A news broke out, it's not like Sasuke had other relatives, in his mother side was in America and supporting him financially.
But Kakashi becomes his guardian.

Sasuke was now in Highschool, Second year highschool, the first year of his high school life is blurt out in his head.

He can't remember, he doesn't have friends, but he was smart, of course many girls admire him because of his looks. But that's not important to him.

Sasuke was a quiet type, he rarely speaks, or he didn't speak at all. People thinks his a weirdo but some of them thinks he is cool.

In his second year of high school, that's where all begun.
He found her.
It was after school, when he saw her in the gate. She was wearing a ponytail, and what he notice the most is her unique green eyes.

Sasuke decided to follow her after school, and see what she do. He follows her walking down the streets. Looking at her back.

Many people talking, walking, giggling in the street, but he didn't notice that, his attention is only in her.

Sasuke saw that Sakura stops at the corner, he saw her feeding the stray cats. She takes a can of tuna in her bag and open it and put infront of the cats.

The cats is meowing, she smiled, that moment. Sasuke realize that he needs her, he found his light.
His world changed, it's not black and white anymore, it has colors and warm.

He felt something in his chest, his chest aches but he like it. For the first in years, he smiled. Looking at her.

He pulled out his flip phone and secretly takes a picture of her...

Moment by moment, time by time. Many days had past, he still following her.

Of course he doesn't show in public, and he really good at it.
He collects things that she use. Like tissue, cups or tore paper from her.
He became obsessed with her.

He found out that she's working at part time jobs time to time. She was the smartest person in first year and she prefer to be alone than meeting other people.
She works hard.

Exactly 6:30 in the morning, he will find her in their classroom, she was cleaning and sometimes reading a book.She often reads science fiction.

7:00, when the students starts to arrive, she sometimes wanders around garden and a small pond watching the koi fish. Meanwhile Sasuke was in the rooftop watching her from above.

7:55, she will start to walk back to classroom.
8:00 that's where their class begun, unfortunately for him, his classroom was above her so while listening in boring lesson, he will imagine things about her.

12:00, the bell rings and it was lunch time, she will eat her lunch in the outside cafeteria, meanwhile Sasuke will take his in the rooftop, watching her again.

13:00, she will walk back to classroom, and him too, they never cross each other, Sakura didn't even know him at all.

15:30, It's cleaning time, sometimes she will be found in the incinerator area, where some girls will bully her, pushing her in the pile of garbage. Laughing at her, or worst while taking out the trash, she'll get milk poured in her head from upstairs.

She tries to report this to the authorities, and teachers, but no one cares about her. Her classmates are rich, and have alot of money to pay school, meanwhile her, she's just got in because of she's smart and pass the scholarship exam.
Life was hard on her.

Sasuke also know about her getting bullied, but still didn't do anything but to watch.
He found a sick satisfaction watching her suffer, cry, whimper. What a sadistic bastard.

16:00, after school or club activities, Sakura didn't join any club, or anyone don't like to take her in their club. People thinks she's weird, and her eyes was a curse because of some stupid story.

Girls doesn't like her,but boys did, they admire her because she's pretty, and smart, but they only talk about her in dirty way. She's popular, for being a nerd and her appearance.

16:05, she will walk into the gates, where he will find her. Her bag is on her left side, and another bag in her right hand, she's also taking people's homework and finish it because of money.

16:30, her house was walking distance, she'll be arrive at their house, she'll change into her working clothes, and lock the doors. Head to her work in their bakery.

Around 20:00, she'll come home again but with her mom, eat dinner,wash dishes and head to her room. She will finish all the homeworks and fall asleep after.

22:00 that's where he will sneak in her room, luckily for him, she always leave the windows open, in order to save electricity, she open her window slightly so she won't need to use her fan anymore.

He will sneak in and watch her sleep, or record her sleep. Stroking her cheeks with his large hands. Play with her hair, and kiss her forehead. And it was twisted and sick. He's doing it with a grin with his face.

And it continues this for 2 years, until he graduated high-school, unluckily him. But this year's that he's watching her, he found out her interest in certain University in Tokyo, that's why he ask Kakashi to study in Tokyo.

Fortunately for Kakashi, he assigned as a police in Tokyo and planning to move in Tokyo too.

They move at Tokyo, Sasuke lives alone in their family house in Tokyo meanwhile Kakashi lives in his apartment near in the station he was assigned too.

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