Naruto's curiousity

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Naruto was waving at his hand, running towards Sasuke. Naruto got the attention of other people in the campus, that's how loud he was while screaming his name.

Sasuke stop and look back, he saw Naruto running towards him. Finally Naruto caught up with Sasuke.
"Yo! Morning!"
Naruto was out of breath, he settle down for a bit to catch his breath.
"Hn" Sasuke rub his nape, he was tired because of last night. He enjoyed it tho.


It was lunch time, Naruto saw Sasuke getting hit on by girls, he seems annoyed by them.
Naruto immediately run to save his friend, he put his arm around Sasuke and said "Sorry girls, if you want a phone number, you can have mine" he winks at them.

Girls were disgust by him, Naruto didn't know why? Is he really that unattractive.
Finally the girls stop and left them alone.

"Jeez, Am I that ugly?" Naruto scratch his head. "No, maybe I'm just too high for their standard" He look back to see the girls giggling about something as they sit down on their table.

Sasuke unwrapped his Sandwich while Naruto takes out a whole cup of Ramen and a small thermos from his bag.

"Hey! Sasuke" Naruto said while pouring the hot water in the cup, he cover it and put the chopsticks on the top of it.

"I ran away again, can I sleep at your place?"

Sasuke wants to say no to him, he had different plan tonight with her.

"Please Sasuke!, I'll buy you a ramen, or give you free coupon on a fancy restaurant! I just don't want to go home tonight" Naruto put his hand together and beg Sasuke.

Sasuke sigh of defeat, this is the first time he had a friend, maybe he can move his plan tonight.

No, it might be risky, he might found out about Sakura...
If he ever found out, I have no choice but to get rid of him...

"Ugh, why did you run away again?" He asked at Naruto.

"Uh-well" Naruto look at his Ramen and it's seems that he was finding an excuse.
'well, I'm just curious about the other side of your house' he thought.
But he can't say that.

A flashback come to his mind.
"Naruto, the headmaster said that you didn't come home,where did you go?" Kakashi ask him.

"Uh-well, I stay with Sasuke's place last night" Naruto said.

"But, there's something bothering me, Kakashi-sensei" Naruto said as he look at his side.

"What?" Kakashi said while writing something in his desk.

"Well, you know, do you know about the disappearance of Haruno Sakura?" Naruto said.

"Go on, did you find something?" Kakashi stop writing.

"Well, Sensei, I meet her mother putting her missing posters in the street going towards Sasuke's house, she said that she disappeared near that place" Naruto sat down in one of the chairs infront of Kakashi's desk.

"Well, I feel something wrong in Sasuke's house, my gut said so, at the middle of the night, I can hear girl's sobbing from he other side of the house, it's just felt wrong in that house" Naruto gulped and it's true, when he try to said that to Sasuke in other day, Sasuke seems angry about it.

"Well, maybe you got hunted by a ghost" Kakashi jokes.
Naruto got shivered "Kakashi Sensei! It's not time for jokes!" Naruto said angrily.

Kakashi laugh ta his reaction, "so are you saying that you're suspecting Sasuke about Haruno Sakura 's disappearance?"

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