Day 43 of her Captivity

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Sakura's moan fill up the basement, while she was turned back and Sasuke was thrusting in and out from her behind.

Sakura can't do anything but to accept him, it's not like he can run away from him or anything. She given up.

Her eyes was now lifeless, she can't think straight. Sasuke successfully breaks her.

After realising his seed in her womb, it surely will make her pregnant this time.
She passed out, he put her gently in the bed, cleaning all the mess and go upstairs to prepare a bath for Sakura.

Buzzzz.... Buzzzz....

"Oi! Is anybody home? Sasuke!"

The doorbell rings and he hears the shout of Naruto, his eyes widened. 'shit'

He immediately locked the basement door and the door that connects to the dark hallway. He suddenly wear his t-shirt.

Sasuke run towards the gate and saw Naruto standing there with a bag on his shoulder.

"What do you want? It's so late at night" Sasuke said as he opens the gate and let Naruto in.

"Well, I run away so I'll be staying here tonight"Naruto walks to the door as he was familiar with the place.

Naruto takes off his shoe and Sasuke rolls his eyes. Finally Naruto walks towards the sofa and put his bag on the couch.

Naruto look around for a bit. "Hmm... You got a pretty nice place" Naruto said.

"What do you mean you ran away? You can't stay here!" Sasuke said trying to keep his cool.

Naruto gives a grin"well, it's late at night and I encounters dogs earlier, it's scarry to walk alone at night" Naruto said.

Sasuke let a small groan "Fine, stay here just for tonight! Okay? You can sleep here in the living room"

Sasuke pointed out the kitchen "there's the kitchen if your thirsty or something and there's the bathroom"

Naruto look over the fridge and only found a pudding and a left over sushi "Geez, this is all you got? You work at convenience store and all you got is pudding and sushi? Do you have any ramen or something?"

Sasuke let a sighed out "No there's no ramen, and what ever you do" Sasuke pointed out the door in the middle. "Don't ever go there, good night "  Sasuke close his door and Naruto left in the kitchen.

Naruto turn off the lights and let the small lamp on, he was lying on the couch, his hands is behind his head and his one foot is leaning in other foot while shaking it.

He can't sleep, he was curious about the door in the middle, he shakes his head. No, Sasuke would be real furious if he open the door.

Naruto stand up and decided to take a piss on the bathroom, when he opened the door, he saw three other door on both sides. 'huh, he really have a weird bathroom' he thought.

After washing his hand, he tries to open the door in right side and it was lock, the left side it was also lock.

Naruto go back to sleep and try to take his mind off in curiousity. Meanwhile, Sasuke was watching from the cctv in his room, watching Naruto on his every move. When Naruto is deep in sleep, Sasuke decided to clean Sakura for a bit and put her back into her sleep.

Sasuke opens the door in his room, he wakes up early, he saw Naruto, half of his body was off the couch and a drool on his face. His head was slowly falling to the floor, he was upside down.

And then finally, Naruto suddenly wakes up when his head is finally hits the floor.
Naruto opens his eyes and stands up, he yawns. "Good morning" he said and he wipes the drool on his face.

"I'll be out for a bit to buy some food-" Sasuke said and suddenly Naruto cuts him off.

"Don't worry about it, I have ramen!" Naruto said as he takes out the ramens inside of his bag. Sasuke only sighed since he was lazy to go buy something.

Sasuke put a water on the kettle and turn on the stove. Naruto was finished to wash his face.

While wiping his face off and while Sasuke is preparing the two cup ramens. Naruto suddenly ask "So this is not your originally house or something? And it has second floor, but I don't see any stairs?"

Sasuke said while pouring the hot water on the cup."Yes this only temporary home if we ever decide to stay here in Tokyo, and the stairs was on the other side of that door"

Naruto look at the door handle for a while and when he glance to Sasuke, while Sasuke was turned back, Naruto tries to open it but it was lock.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly Sasuke holds Naruto hands and glaring hard at him.

"Uh- well... I'm just curious" Naruto said.

Sasuke takes off his hand and Naruto just gulped down. "Break fast will be ready" Sasuke said.

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