A Friend and a lover (2)

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"hehehe" Kyouko giggles while looking at her phone standing to the line to cashier with Sakura.

"Why are you laughing at that?" Sakura ask and look over her phone.

"I just got a jackpot earlier in the mixer" Kyouko show her phone with Sasuke's picture with it.

"Oh! Uchiha-senpai" Sakura said.
She push her cart with groceries and put it in the counter while the cashier is scanning the products, Kyouko was talking about Sasuke.

The cashier finish packing the grocery in the two boxes and both of them carry it the bus.

"You must really like him" Sakura said.
"Yeah! Why shouldn't I! He's smart, respectable and handsome" Kyouko blush while looking at his picture.

"Yeah, yeah" Sakura and Kyouko walking down to streets and deliver the ingredients back to the bakery.

"Oh my! Thank you dear! And Kyouko" Sakura's mother said.

"Haruno-san can I borrow Sakura to hang out?" Kyouko said.

"Sure, it's nice to her to have a friend" Sakura's mother giggles.

"But - don't stay up all night outside! I heard there's a serial killer on the loose, they found a body" Her mother warned them.

"Ooh, that's scary, don't worry Haruno-san, I will protect your daughter!" Kyouko wink at her mother and Sakura Pat her head.

"Yeah, yeah, bye mom!" Sakura said and they left.

They've been hanging out all day, but Kyouko feel something off, someone is following them.


It's Monday, as usual, Kyouko will always greet Sakura first and straight to their classroom.

Sakura notice that there's a thick dark clouds in the sky so they decided to eat inside the cafeteria for today.

The rain starts to pour gently, and after a hard fall down.

While Sakura and Kyouko was eating there lunch. Daiku saw them and join them.

"Mind if I sit here with you?" Daiku said while the tray of his food is in his hand.

Sakura was chewing her food so, she can't said yes right away. So Kyouko said it instead.

"Thank you" Daiku sit down with them.
Kyouko give a small grin to Sakura and Sakura knows, she's gonna tease her again.

Kyouko suddenly sigh, "haaaah, another exam is coming again, what should I do!? " Kyouko said and take a quick glance to Sakura.

'I knew it" Sakura thought.

"But the exam is a week away, you'll have enough time to study Hanzaki-san " Daiku said.

"Buuuut!" Kyouko whined and make Sakura roll her eyes. 'Kyouko!'

"I'm not smart as you guys, I'm dumb as a rock" Kyouko whined as she put her head to the table and take a quick glance with a grin on her face, Sakura flinch. 'Oh no'

"Well, if you focus at your study-" Daiku suddenly got cut off by Kyouko.

"Oh I know!, Why don't we make a study group just the 3 of us!" Kyouko said.

'Kyouko! What-' Sakura thoughts got cut off by Daiku.

"Sure, since I don't have anything this weekend why don't we do it " Daiku said while smiling at Sakura.

"Yeah, but I have-" Sakura with a force smile got cut off by Kyouko.

"Don't worry, I'll tell daddy to excuse you!" Kyouko said.

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