Day 17 of Captivity

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It's been weeks since he captured her, keep her in the basement.
Sasuke was staring at her while she's sleeping, making sure that she won't escape from him.

It's been a while now, Sakura was used to be alone in the dark basement of her captor.
But still not giving up on her plan.

Sakura notice Sasuke changed from time to time. And she also knows that he's been watching her while asleep.

But this time, there's something off about him today.

Like any other normal day. Sasuke left food at Sakura before going to school. He takes the same train with Naruto.

"Oi! Sasuke! I have news to you!" Naruto shouted from across the station makes some people look at him.

'there he is again' Sasuke thought.

Naruto put his arm around Sasuke's shoulder and whispers.
"Do you know Sakura-chan? She's missing, I saw her missing poster everywhere, I even saw it on the tv this morning"

Sasuke still smells the food that Naruto's eaten, it's smells like Ramen.
"Get off of me, you breath smells stinks!" Sasuke shrugged him off.

"Hey! Ramen doesn't smell bad ya know!" Naruto said.

And they take the train station.
At lunch they meet up again in the cafeteria.
Sasuke was holding a sandwich and Naruto was eating Ramen.

"Is ramen is the only thing you eat?" Sasuke asked.
Naruto was loudly slurping the ramen and it annoys Sasuke.

And Naruto stops until Sasuke slams his hand in the table. "Stop doing that it's disgusting" Sasuke said.

"Hey! The more loud you slurp, it means the more delicious the food!" Naruto said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to splashed it anywhere, look the mess you made" Sasuke said.

Naruto looked at the table and there's noodles anywhere. "Oops- Sorry" Naruto stands up and takes a tissue on the counter.

Sasuke finished his sandwich now his thinking what could Sakura be doing at the same time.

And then Naruto came with a box of tissue.
"Hehehe, the lunch last was nice, she gave me a box of tissue" Naruto said.

But it seems that Sasuke did not listen to him, staring blankly outside.
"What are you thinking about?" Naruto clap his hand infront of Sasuke and it made him focus on him. "What was that about?!" Sasuke said.

"I said what are you thinking, you look like you've been thinking so deep" Naruto said.

"It's just.... It's just I think there's someone who's trying to broke inside my house, I was wondering if they trying to break in right now" Sasuke said.

"Oooh~ I see, it's really hard to live alone, your parents and your brother was on abroad right?, Your family is reach, you can't even by a CCTV?" Naruto said.

"I got cctv already but how can I see what's goin on in my house while I'm away from the monitor" Sasuke said.

Naruto sighed and sat down "There's advance technology now Sasuke, you can order online and put somewhere in your house, upgrade ya know!" Naruto said.

Naruto also lives alone, after his parents died, Naruto was taken by his grandfather, the headmaster of the University. Since as headmaster, he didn't have time to look after Naruto so he asked maids or people to look after him instead.

Now, Naruto lives in a apartment alone, near at Sasuke's. Even though, money isn't the problem, he still performs in a various events not because of money but he wants to make it a career.

"Anyway, You know Sakura-chan, the one I had a crush on, she suddenly went missing, they last saw her on her job but after that she's gone" Naruto said.

"Maybe studying in prestigious school like this, stresses her and she decided to run away or whatever" Sasuke said.

Naruto place his hand on his chin and said. "Hmm.. maybe.... But! She works hard to apply a scholarship in this school ya know, why would she even run away!"

Sasuke hides his other hand below the table and clenched it. "You said, you never talk to her before, why you care so much on her anyway?" Sasuke said while keeping his cool. 'why the fuck you like her that much anyway?' he thought.

"Well, it's just on the way home, I actually talked with her mother, I asked her to have a little coffee with me since she looks tired"
Naruto said. Sasuke is slowing to grit his teeth because of anger.

"She told me about Sakura-chan, it turns out we have the same kindergarten school, and she starts to cry, she asked me where the place I last seen her" Naruto said.

Sasuke was now twitching his eye, 'She's gone! Don't try to find her, don't even get worried about her, stay out Naruto!' Sasuke thought.

"I said sadly, I haven't seen her since I saw her in the train with me, but her mother was crying it's pitiful, I like to help her" Naruto clenched his hand together. "I'll help her find Sakura-chan, maybe you are right, I just hope that Sakura-chan was okay" Naruto said.

Sasuke immediately stand up and said "I-I need to go" and left.

Sakura-chan, I promise I'll definitely find you...Naruto thought...

Obscurité de l'ombre (Obsessed Sasuke)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang