Day 0 (Night alone)

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His whole life was dark, cold and empty.
Ever since that incident, he's only a innocent child.

Sasuke found something about himself, how he's obsess at seeing a corpse and bloodshed.
He was emotionless, he can't feel anything.

They move to Tokyo afterwards.
After he saw his mother takes her own life. Fugaku notices that Sasuke had a great trauma about it. Fugaku asks doctors to heal him, to fix him, but they all failed.

He is not the same happy and energetic boy, who always ask for his parents attention.
Itachi didn't take it very well.

Itachi was worried about his brother, greatly, he always tried to make him laugh or make him happy. But in Itachi's eyes, he was pitiful, Sasuke's eyes was lifeless, like he was a living doll staring at the empty wall all day.

Itachi misses his old little brother. Fugaku said that Sasuke cannot be save anymore, he's hopeless. "You should give up on your little brother and act like a Uchiha's heir more" Fugaku pressures Itachi very much.

Itachi was also having a hard time too, ever since their mother's funeral, their family was broken.

Itachi rebels secretly, by drug dealing and abusing it. He wants to escape the world too.

One night changes everything, Sasuke found Itachi in his room, drunk, even though their father didn't allow alcohol to them yet.

I don't want to live anymore...
It's all about Itachi do this...
Itachi be that...
I'm tired...
I'm tired trying to make him proud of me...

Itachi mumbles while leaning on his bed and sitting on the floor. He was holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

Sasuke tries to approach his pitiful brother, and comfort him with his little hands. Suddenly Itachi remembers their mother's touch. How warm.

Sasuke flinch when he saw Itachi's tears coming from his eyes. I miss you mother...

He whispers, this time, Sasuke feels different, he feels sad for him. He felt sadness, seeing his brother crying and then.


Itachi suddenly hit his bottle and made a glass shatters mess, and he suddenly stab himself with it. While Sasuke was watching, holding his brother.

Blood starts to drip, his last whispers only. I'm coming to you mother...
And a last tear slide down on his cheeks.

Itachi died on his hand. His only reaction was shocked, suprised. Why is this happening to him? Another person died infront of him.

Sasuke only felt cold while holding Itachi's hand. He tried to put in his head thinking he will get patted, but he didn't move anymore.
He stopped breathing, he's dead.

It's all his fault
His fault
His fault
His fault
Kill him
Kill him
Kill him

Whispers on his ears starts to get louder and louder, as Fugaku gets home from his job.

The house was dark and cold. No one's there , except for Itachi and Sasuke.

"Itachi!?" Fugaku calls out. He put his bag down and sit comfortably in couch. Another call

"Itachi!?" No one answer.

Suddenly a small hands on his head trying to cover his mouth from behind.
Before he can turn around.


A knife suddenly stab on his head, the last thing he saw was a silhouette of a boy holding a knife.

What have you done?
What have you done?
What I have done?

Whispers in his head again.
Sasuke look at his hands full of bloodshed.
Look at front of him, a dead corpse of his father. Blood everywhere.


A unfamiliar whispers in his head, he saw himself on the reflection in nearby mirror, he was a monster.

How could you~

A whispers again, he was going insane.
He washed the knife on the counter and wash his hands too.

He clean up himself, leaving no trace of evidence against him killing his own father.
He wash his clothes in washing machine using bleach and put it in the dryer.

He go upstairs and break the window on his father's office.

He tries to wash off the blood in the knife .
Everything is clean except on the corpse in the living room and upstairs.

He ran out the door, he saw a Patrolling police car nearby, acting scared and frightened, he cat like a victim, telling there's someone broke into their house.

The next day, he was staying with the police station over night. They found two dead bodies. Itachi and Fugaku.

The assume Itachi kill himself because of the glass still stuck on his neck, and Fugaku was assumed to be stab by someone who broke the Thier house.

Unfortunately, no one knows who broke in their house, but they saw a glass window shattered on the second floor on Fugaku's office is located. So they assume someone breaks in.

It was late at night, like 12 am, everyone is sleeping and no one hears the breaking in their house. Sasuke thinks 3 steps ahead.

Since this is what his mother thaught him to.
To clean up so there's no evidence will use against you.

Obscurité de l'ombre (Obsessed Sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now