A Friend and a lover (3)

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Sasuke was getting frustrated, he knew that Sakura and Daiku is alone right now.

He can't hear, see or watch them. If he tries, the neighbors or the people outside of his house will get suspicious at him.

He waited for her to come out. He was hiding behind a electrical post.

The sun has set, it was late now, why didn't she come out yet?
He saw her smile at him, just like she smile at him before. She was blushing, giggling at him.

Sasuke's eyes starts to twitch,his hand clench so hard, and he bite his lips until it bleed. He never felt this angry before. Looking at them, they were happy, Sakura was happy. But not with him, but with Daiku.

He lick off the blood on his lips, and grin. While following Sakura from afar, he saw that Sakura meet with Kyouko on thier bakery.

She gave her a small smack on her head, while Kyouko was giggling.

Sasuke was watching them between the glass, Kyouko notice him, fortunately it was too dark to see his face.

He walk away thinking a new scheme to get rid off Daiku and Kyouko at the same time.


"Hey! You got a stalker" Kyouko said casually.
Sakura put her bag on the side of her desk and sigh. "Yeah, yeah, I still can't believe you set me up with Daiku-san, the guys is nice person you know" she said as she put her hand on her waste.

"Sorry, it's just you two look good to each other and I kinda notice that you have a stalker" Kyouko said.

"Enough with the jokes already, and I think Daiku-san likes you more" Sakura said as she sat down on her desk.

Then Daiku arrive on the classroom early too. "Good morning Sakura-san and Hanazaki-san" Daiku greeted.

"Good morning" Sakura greeted back.
"Morning! So how is the date- I mean the study thing" Kyouko said teasingly at Daiku.

"Uh- well, it's good thanks to Sakura-san I got all the math problems" Daiku said shyly.

"Hmm... First name basis, huuhh" Kyouko said with a smug on her face.

"Kyouko stoop!" Sakura whispers and Kyouko only giggles.


At recess, while walking down the hall, Kyouko encounters Sasuke.
Sasuke was about to buy a soda in the vending machine and secretly peek on Sakura's classroom.

"Hi senpai!" Kyouko said waving at Sasuke.
Sasuke assumed that Kyouko was referring to other person probably behind him, so he walk pass through her and ignore it.

Suddenly Kyouko appear infront of him again. "Senpai! Good morning do you still remember me?" Kyouko ask again.

Sasuke stop walking, he stare bluntly at her. Of course he remembers, he knew that Kyouko was obstacle between him and Sakura.

What a sick psycho-

"Ah! You're that new transfer student in first year" Sasuke pretends to be friendly.
"Yay! Senpai remembers me" Kyouko jump and so happy about it, it makes Sasuke get annoyed by it.

I really need to get rid of her soon...


Kyouko had a crush on Sasuke, she told Sakura about it. Sakura was now worried, since she knew that Sasuke was not really a good guy to date since she saw him pulling out the cigarette in his pocket.

So Sakura starts to observe Sasuke, of course Sasuke knows it and it makes his heart flutter.

Test had pass, Kyouko barely pass the test. Sakura and Daiku get close together. Sakura realize her feelings to him.

Kyouko still feels that there's someone watching them. She told Sakura about it that she maybe have a stalker.

Because of that Sakura was more alert on her surroundings, it makes difficult for Sasuke.

I need to get rid of them soon...

"Well, can I ask for advice?" Sakura said.
"Of course what kind of advice?" Kyouko said while drinking her strawberry milk.

Sakura inhale and exhale since she doesn't know what will Kyouko's reaction will be.
"About uh- Confessing love" Sakura said.

"Confessing love!" Kyouko suddenly slam her hand in the table and her milk spills over Sakura.
"Oh! Sorry, sorry!" Kyouko bring out the handkerchief from her pocket and swipe all over Sakura's face.

Sakura didn't mind it tho, she knew that Kyouko was clumsy.

"Are you Confessing to Daiku-san?"Kyouko teases.
"Well, you got me, it's -" Sakura let out a big sigh.
"It's just I never felt anything like this before in someone" Sakura smile.
"I'm scared that I'll get rejected, but I want to say to him" Sakura stand up.
"I-I have to clean up myself first, think about a good advice okay!" Sakura take the handkerchief and continuously wipe it her uniform while walking down the gym locker.

Sasuke heard their conversation, Kyouko stand up and buy another drink in the vending machine.

Sasuke thinks another scheme again.
Enough watching, I need to do something...

Sasuke walks up to Kyouko "Hi!" He friendly greet her.
"Oh, Hi Uchiha-senpai!" Kyouko greeted back.


Sakura get rid off her clothes and take a quick shower, fortunately for her that she had a back up uniform.

'I'll wash this later and Kyouko's handkerchief ' she thought.

While fixing her hair on the mirror, there's 2 girls from track and field club talking about Daiku.

"You saw him? Kya! He's so dreamy, If only I was on the same class at him"

"I heard that he had someone he likes"

"Really? Where did you hear that?"

"There's someone who confess to him from class 3, he rejected it, and he said that there's someone he likes in his class"

"Oh! I bet it was that foreign girl"

"Ugh, her again? What's good about that stupid bitch anyway, boys is bending over backwards for her"

Sakura don't want to listen anymore, they're bad mouthing Kyouko. She left the gym locker.

While walking towards the outside cafeteria, she saw Kyouko was talking to a senior, it was Uchiha Sasuke.

Then suddenly Kyouko wave at Sakura.
"You're back!"

Sasuke look at Sakura for a second and immediately look away.
She look so cute at her gym uniform
Sasuke blushed hoping that Sakura won't notice him.

"Uh- I have to go" Sasuke save at them while looking away and turn around.
You need to calm down, Sakura was watching, she'll thinks I'm a weirdo.

Sasuke walks calmly away.

"So what did you talk about? You look so happy" Sakura said.
"Oh! Uchiha-senpai invited me to a date!" Kyouko giggles.
"That's good for you Kyouko, but you need to be careful, we don't know him yet. I saw him pulling out a cigarette last time, maybe he's a delinquent" Sakura whispers.

Kyouko only laugh at Sakura's comment.
"Delinquent? No silly" Kyouko giggles.

While Sakura was buying her soda in vending machine, Kyouko feels that someone is watching them.

She realized that she only feels that everytime she's with Sakura, Sakura had a stalker.

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