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Hush little rabbit go to sleep
Sand man is here to watch her sleep
He will make the dreams come true
He will make the nightmares won't go through
Hush little rabbit , hush little hare
Sleep little princess, don't have a care
We will finally go to Leverett

That is the hum of his mother, he still remember when he was a kid.

While cleaning his knife with a white cloth, he was humming. Blood all over the floor of the room full of darkness.
There's 3 bodies there. He was about to dismember one of them.

Sasuke put down the knife and put a tarp underneath the bodies. He take the circular saw on the table.

"This gonna be hurt for you, if you still alive" Sasuke laughs.

While humming the lullaby of his mother.
The blood splashes all over his body.
He cut the leg, hands and head.

Sasuke pull out the left eye of the corpse.
And put in the jar, he loves collecting things.
Especially if it's about her.

He put the remaining body parts on the plastic bags and clean all the bloody mess. While wiping the blood of his hand.
His phone rings. He look at it and it was Kakashi. He pick it up.

"Hello" Sasuke said .

"Hi kid! I'm just gonna remind you to eat and stuff, and yeah, don't forget to take your medicine, maybe I'll be coming there this weekend, just a quick visit" Kakashi said while writing on the paper reports.

"Sure" Sasuke said and hang up.

"Where were we?" Sasuke puts down the phone and continue to clean up.
He put the eye in the room at the end of the hall way where he put what he collects.

All of his victims were people who likes Sakura, or distracting her. Or he thinks they're taking her away from him.


Sakura was standing behind the school, she just received a letter. A love letter.
It was after school, many students are going home, dome of it is staying late because of club activities.

Meanwhile Sakura saw a love letter in her shoe locker.

Meet me outside, behind the school gate, I want to talk to you

With a hearts drawn in pink paper, she thought it was a love letter.
She was standing there holding the love letter, and suddenly someone pour a fish sauce on her from above.

It came from the rooftop, she look up and saw a girl laughing and a egg drop on her face.

She hears a laugh infront of her, the same girls from before.
They were laughing at her.

"Do you really think someone will like you?"
A girl with a make up said it's while crossing her arms. Meanwhile the other 2 girls is laughing at her.

"Come on girls, let's not waste our time looking at hideous like her" The other girl said and rolled their eyes.

Sakura just look at the ground, she saw their shoes walks away she's still holding the love letter while her tears is falling on her cheeks.

Suddenly the rain pours down, she still standing there holding the paper and crying.
She was hopeless.

Obscurité de l'ombre (Obsessed Sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now