The Grim reaper

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He can't sleep at night, he can't control his mind...

Everything, everytime he breath feels like a sharp knives coming down his throat...

His insane, he lost his mind as he continuously stab his father, blood spills at the floor, what's wrong?

He can hear it, the sob of a little girl crying out for pain, crying for help...

He can hear his mother shouting at her room, he can hear glass shatters in the kitchen...

What's wrong with him? Someone...please someone help him, save him from the darkness of his family...


Sasuke was breathing so hardly, he can't breath that fresh air coming from the north. It was a cold cold night, he feels like freezing there, as the light coming from the police helicopter is blinding his sight, he had her carry in his shoulder. He put her down as they told him to do...

It's going to be okay...

Sakura can't move her legs, she wanted to run but he suddenly grab her.

He shouted, as he step back even further in the edge of the Hospital's rooftop. Sakura wanted to scream but it somehow her voice can't get out from her throat, she wanted to break free from his arm, from his grasps but her body can't move.

I look so pitiful, her eye was now full of tears, as they fall downs on her cheeks, what's happening? I don't have this kind of memory.

She somehow manage to whisper softly, "please let me go" he heard her. Even the noise coming from the mega phone of the police, the helicopter and also the news is here... He manage to heard her. "Please let me go, if you continue this any further, they're going to take you away from me, we can't be together forever" she whispered softly, every word she said feels like a knife hurting her tongue.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouts, "Stop this! We can fix this! We can save you!" Obito shouts next. Sasuke gone quite, his arms calm down. And slowly let go of Sakura.

"I love you" Sasuke whispers "I did this because I love you, please save me" he falls down and kneel on the ground. Sakura gently put her arms around Sasuke's head and she press his head into her chest, it was warm like her mother's. Sakura gently hug him, and caress his hair, whispers "I can save you, just trust me".

His tears starts to fall down on his cheeks, did he finally realized? Understand of what I'm saying?

How strange I don't remember like this...
I remember he died, I died, we jumped...

"Mama! Mama! Miyuki takes my candy again!" A girl shakes her mother from it's slumber.

I slowly opened my eyes and it feels wet. "Mama! Did you cry again?" My daughter ask me looking at her face she looks like him. I giggle "No my dear, Mama had a very bad dream" and gently pat her hair.

"Shoo! Nightmares! Leave my mama alone!" I giggles as she said that, I remember now, after that Nightmare, Sasuke surrender, I was pregnant with a twin, Sarada and Miyuki. Everytime they had nightmares, I always said that.

"Mama! Uncle is here!" Miyuki shouts from the other room, I immediately got up and fix my hair. "Good morning dear" my mom greeted me as she prepares our breakfast, "Good morning mom" I greeted back.

After that incident, he was sentence to be lock up in mental hospital, he was also need to stay in prison for 15 years, the families of all the people he killed eventually forgives him and understand his mentality. I was told by the doctors I was pregnant with his child. Obito once again beg for our forgiveness.

After I give birth to them, first I was scared, as I saw one of them look like him. But they're my children, my new family. After months I continue my study as a doctor, of course those days are bothersome because there's a interview here, interview there from the news.

I was also shock that they made a novel about it, no, a manga adaptation from that novel and surprisingly got popular. The book named "Obscurité de l'ombre" . After years I finished my study, Obito no Uchiha clan also supported us and help me raise them with my mom.

They give us a new home, a traditional Japanese house, a supposed to be home of the heir of Uchiha clan but unfortunately Sasuke was in prison so Miyuki will be the next in line since he was the first boy child of Sasuke.

For sometime, they can't help and wonder who is there father, I eventually gave up, so now at least once a week we visited him, Sasuke.

Through the years, Sasuke was changing for good, he's not psycho anymore, but he smiles often now, he was trying his best to change for his children.

The police was kind enough to let my children play with him for a bit, they also said that he was now a changed person, he become kinder, he expresses more emotions and slowly healing. I was glad, but that Nightmares will never disappear, and always be here.


Years have passed, my twins is now 16 years old, I was now head of my own hospital, since Obito helped me in my dreams. Sasuke is finally free, my twin insisted to go see their father. Obito ask me if I'm okay Sasuke is back, of course anything for my children. He looked at me again and ask "are YOU okay about it?", I-I don't - I don't know, but as long as my children was happy, I'll do anything.

He's back in my life, my mother was also forgiven him, as she know him more and taken by him but the doubt will be always there.

It was news now, how we accept him back, how he was now a changed person. But everytime I see him, I always remembers that time, darkness.


I'm fine, I just want my happy ending...











We jumped together, and died. I saw my body, my head, it was full of blood. She put her hand on my shoulder and ask "Are you ready to go?" She looks just like me but different, she had a big scythe in her back, a grim reaper? Who-

As I opened my eyes again, I'm here again, huh? I looked at my hands full of blood, as I saw a drawing of mine in the ground, I pick it up, it's just a dream.

I remember it now, I was trapped in the dark ness as I supposed to die in the death valley, but my obsession of him won't let me leave in this world. Where is he?
I look around and see corpses in the ground, I'm still holding the drawing of mine. Where is he?



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