Month 2 Day 3 of Captivity

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A month...
A month of suffering...
After that night, Sasuke has been nonstop raping and ravaging her every night.
Everytime she wakes up, she felt a pain on her back.
It's hard, she felt disgusting, her body is been using by a man she barely know, a man who kidnapped her, a man who keep her in the basement for a month.

Sakura almost lose hope, she felt weak and helpless, everytime she saw Sasuke.
Sometimes, Sasuke will take her to bath and wash her.
Sasuke is almost home everyday, since his schedule is changing and thier semester is about to end.

Sasuke was working at the convenient store.
A sound of scanning of items and a receipt printer.

"Hey! Sasuke, let's hang out!" Naruto barged in the convenient store. Fortunately for Naruto, Sasuke is about to finish his turns and thinking to go straight home to play with his Sakura.

"No" Sasuke said while changing his clothes to casual cloth at the locker.
Suigetsu laugh "Haha, Come on Sasuke, go with Naruto, since he's the only friend who asked you to hang out!" He said.

"No, I'm busy, I need to go home quickly" Sasuke said and close his locker.
"Please, Sasuke, that's the reason why you can't have any friends, your anti-social, you always distance yourself" Naruto said and he was standing at the door.

Sasuke sighed "I don't have any interest to make friends, I'm busy today, so move" Sasuke said.

Sasuke push Naruto out of the way. And walk out to the convenient store.
Naruto run after him and placed his hand on Sasuke's shoulder.

"You party pooper, Look there will be a party about closing of the semester, it's your choice if your coming or not" Naruto gave him a piece of paper.

"This is the address, if you are interested " Naruto said and he get rid of his arm to him.

"Ya know, you've been busy this days, I mean weeks, what are you doing anyway? It's like your course is hard, you already smart all right!" Naruto said.

Sasuke continuously walking to the side of the streets and listening to sound of cars that passing and thinking about Sakura as always, ignoring Naruto's saying to him.

As he continue to walk, Naruto is keep following him. Naruto has been talking about his gig, about his friends and the exam until some word caught Sasuke's attention and he suddenly stop walking.

"There's actually a cctv near in Sakura-chan's apartment, on the streets tho, they saw her walking alone at night and there's this man with a balckhoodie following her" Naruto also stops walking.

'shit- I knew there's something I forgot, that motherfucking cctv' Sasuke thought.

Naruto suddenly place his hand on Sasuke's shoulder "Hey Sasuke, you also walk at that street right? In that night, do you?-" Naruto got cut by Sasuke.

"Why are you so interested in that girl's disappearance anyway? It's not like she was attached to you or anything " Sasuke said trying to keep cool.

"Well, I'm not important to her but she's important to me, I like her Sasuke, she was my very first friend back when we are kids, she may not remember it, and I'm not going to stop until I find her" Naruto said.

Well, Naruto's course was actually criminology, he was inspired to be a detective and police to protect people, so he had a very good observation skills.

"Your weird, your taste is weird, you've been obsessed to find her" Sasuke said in stoic face, and walk on. But this time Naruto didn't follow him.

Naruto thought;
No Sasuke, the weird one here is you...

Author's note:
Actually, I've been thinking about taking a break for a while (temporarily dropping this and maybe come back if I'm in the mood?) Anyway, I have a new fanfic in mind but the cover or the fanfic is not yet finished, I still drawing it but, it's actually a complete opposite of this fic.

This is actually the start of suspicion of Naruto to Sasuke. I don't know if I missed this or some, I don't know if I tell that in this fic Naruto's parents is actually get killed by some serial killer, so Naruto chooses to become a police detective to find justice to his parents.

Well if you willing to wait for the next chapter I might write about something before Sakura's captivity and tell about how Sasuke stalks her.

Btw, thank you for reading!(*^3^)/~♡


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