A Friend and a lover

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Nice to meet you, my name is Hanazaki Kyouko, you can call me Kyo-chan!

Back in Highschool, there's a new transferred student in Sakura's class, everyone in the classroom was amaze by her, she had a blonde hair and blue eyes.

She said that she came from Tokyo, and her parents are foreigners from US, she became popular through out the school quickly.

"You can sit in the last row Hanazaki" the teacher point at the empty seat beside Sakura.
"Hi! Nice to meet you" Kyouko said at Sakura.
"Nice to meet you too, Hanzaki-san" Sakura smiled back.

At break time, Sakura find it annoying that most of their classmates were group in Kyouko's seat, and it's nosy.

Questions there, questions here, Sakura can't even eat her snack peacefully.

Lunch time, Sakura gets her Bento out of her bag and as usual she will eat outside, where there's no people, hopefully she won't get pick again.

"Can I eat my lunch with you?" Kyouko said. Sakura thought it would be rude if she decline her so she nodded.

For the past few days, they became friends, the bullying stop and Sakura was happy having a friend around.

Sakura also often invite her to go to their bakery and introduce her to Sakura's mother. She was happy. She's not alone anymore.

But there's one person is not happy about it.

3 weeks had passed, while eating lunch, Kyouko ask Sakura if she ever had a love interest in anyone.

"I'm sorry, I don't really think about it, so I don't have anyone" Sakura said.

"Really? You're smart, pretty and cute, it's a shame that you have any boyfriend, or is it a secret, tell me!" Kyouko said.

Sakura just giggles when she saw Kyouko's pouting.
"No, I don't have anyone" Sakura said.

"Then what's your type then" Kyouko ask.

"Well, I want someone who is rich and smart" Sakura said.

"So your a materialistic huh" Kyouko said and she grin.

Sakura giggles, "I was joking of course, I want someone who will love me dearly and also treasures me"

"So if, our class president confess to you will you answer it?" Kyouko said.

"Why did suddenly bring up Daiku-san in the topic?" Sakura said.

"Nothing~" Kyouko giggles.

Meanwhile Sasuke was listening to their conversation from behind the tree, behind Sakura, and Kyouko notice it.

"What's wrong?" Sakura notice that Kyouko is looking at something from behind so she turn around and saw nothing.

"Oh, nothing, it's must be my imagination" Kyouko said and finished their lunch.


It was weekend, and Sakura was walking to go buy ingredients for their bakery, it was Sakura's day off.

While walking at the street, Kyouko saw her at the bus stop, while looking at her flip phone, she looks like troubles at something, more like annoyed. Sakura decided to say hi to her.

"Oh! Sa-chan!" Kyouko's face brightens and and smile at Sakura.

"Good morning, you look like you're having trouble at something" Sakura said.

"Oh, it's just, our classmates invite me to go at the mixer with the upperclassmen, it's just I'm nervous, and finding an excuse to reject it" Kyouko said.

"Well, Don't you like meeting new people-" Sakura got cut off when Kyouko's face beam again.

"Oh, I know, why don't you come with me! Daiku-san is also there you know" Kyouko said.

"I-I'm sorry, I need to do other things today" Sakura look at the list of things she'll buy that her mother gave it to her.

"Oh come on please!, Will be quick and I'll help you with your thing, please" Kyouko put her hand together, and begging Sakura to agree to go.

"Ugh, fine, I'll tell mom that I'll be late" Sakura said, she pull out her flip phone in her pocket and text her mother about the mixer.

Of course her mother would agreed, it's the first time that Sakura will go and meet new people.


Sasuke was also on that mixer.
They introduced each other, tell their hobbies, likes  and dislikes.

Sasuke look over Sakura, watching her laugh and smile while talking to him.
Their class president.

Daiku Sato, he was the second place in the their year, under Sakura. He was also popular, and known as Mr. Perfectionist.

Sasuke clench his fist under the table, and his eyes starting to twitch.
I need to separate them, stop laughing! Stop smiling! Stop talking to each other.

Sasuke suddenly stand up.
"What's wrong Sasuke-senpai?" The girl infront of him was Kyouko ask Sasuke.

"I need to take a break a bit" Sasuke left his place and go in the back of the cafe.
Sasuke lean against the wall. He pull out his cigarette and about to light it but-

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Suddenly Sakura came out too, for some fresh air.
" Sakura lean in the wall beside him and look at her phone.

Sasuke couldn't start a conversation.
This was his chance to get close to her.
He can't ruin it, it was their first conversation.

"Uh- you also need fresh air?" Sasuke put his cigarette in his pocket.  'shit, what the fuck did I just say?' he thought.

"Mmhmm.. it's kinda not my thing meeting new people" Sakura giggles.

Sasuke can't help himself to blush, he suddenly look away. She's talking with me!

"But the only person you talking with is your classmate " Sasuke said looking away from her.

"Ah! Your right, actually we're not really talking to each other that much, it's just this time" Sakura blush and he notice it.

"Do you like him?" Sasuke ask, his fist is clenching under his pocket.

"W-well, I don't really know, it's just Daiku-san is kind and nice to talk to-" Sakura suddenly realized that she's been talking about herself.

"Anyway senpai, you might know my name, I'm sorry for late introduction, my name is Haruno Sakura" Sakura bowed and smile at him.

That smile make him forget why he's so angry. He stay speechless.

"You must be Uchiha Sasuke-san" Sakura beam a smile at him again, and make him blush.
She knows my name!

Sakura knows his name because of his family name Uchiha, and it's pretty famous across Japan.

Suddenly her phone rang up.
"Oh! Uchiha-senpai, sorry but I have to go, nice talking to you" Sakura wave her hand and left , she talk to Kyouko and they left the mixer.

Then Sasuke left to follow her.

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