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Hi! I'm Akari Ryuto, I'm a freshman, my parents and brothers were doctors, so they're also expecting for me to be a doctor too.

I'm studying at most prestigious University here in Tokyo, my parents was on overseas and my two brothers have their own Hospital.
Haaah... People around me expect me to be like them. Even tho it's not my dream to be a doctor.

Ever since I was a child, my parents neglected me, ignore me, hate me. Because I'm dumb, stupid and incompetent. In high school, I found out alot about myself, I don't want to be a doctor, I want to be a chef. I want to cook and serve my food to the costumers rather than putting my hand inside of a patient.

But my parents pressure me alot, I want to prove them I could do better. That's why I'm here, in Medical Department.

While listening to our professor introducing himself, there's something caught my eyes.
Pink hair? I thought this University doesn't allowed unnatural colored hairs?

I saw her, my eyes widened, how beautiful she was, she introduced herself, she was the very first person that enter in this University by scholarship. It means she's really smart.

At the class end, the second years and first years all departments were invited to a party.
Maybe this is my chance to get close to her?

I walk inside the party and greet my friends, and then I saw her standing at the corner.
She's cute.

"Hi!" My gosh, I'm so nervous

"Oh hello!"

She greeted me back, we kinda talk for awhile, she's kind and generous. I feel like, I found a reason to continue this course. She smiles at me so warmly, I like her. I want her to become my girlfriend.

My heart felt so different, it's excited, and I can't stop thinking about her. We exchange contacts. So I'm thinking should I, text her?


It's been almost a week, I became friends with her, she was like a goddess, my heart is jumping everytime I see her, and everytime I talk to her, I can't stop falling inlove to her.

She always helps me in some kind of things and I saw that she was kind to others too. I felt good whenever she's around. I really like her, I never felt anything like this before.
I hope this feeling could last forever.


Stab! Stab!

He continuously stab him with a knife, and he stop. He look at his face, his eyes was wide open, a blood on dripping from his mouth.Sasuke was satisfied

"Haaaaah.... Hahahahaha" he laughs, as he dismember Akira's body, stuffed it inside a trash bag.

The place was a bloody mess, he pulls the trash bag outside. He put it inside his car trunks.

He clean up all the bloody mess,he wash the knife and the circular saw. He clean himself up, he looked at the mirror. Saw himself had a blood splashed on his face, he wipes it out.

He change his clothes with a dark long sleeves, wears a facemask and black hat.
He drive far away.

Deep into the woods, he takes his shovel and starts digging.
He toss the trash bag in the hole he digs and burry it.
He doesn't even felt disgusted but he still have that blank expression on his face.

He drove back home. He go downs in the basement and take a picture of her.
Sniffing at her handkerchief.

You're safe now...

Obscurité de l'ombre (Obsessed Sasuke)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora