Day 0 (1)

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It was afternoon, the sun is setting. It seems that Sakura's parents forgot about her in the playground. All of the children left except for her and a boy.

Sakura didn't have any friends. She was always getting bullies because of her big forehead.

There's this one time when she grew her front hair enough to cover her forehead.
One of the kids saw her trying to cover her forehead.
And then she called other kids and make fun of Sakura, then someone grabbed her hair and make her scream in pain.
She tried to shout for help but their teacher is nowhere to be found.
Then a snip-

They cut her hair, and laugh at her.
Forehead! Forehead! Look it's princess forehead!

Everyone is pointing at her while she was trying to cover herself. She wants to run away but she can't she was surrounded by the kids laughing at her.
She only cries...
Look the Princess forehead is also a crybaby!
What should we call her?
I know! A crybaby forehead monster!

And then they all laugh. While he was standing there and watching them making fun of her.

Tears falling down on her cheeks, curling up like a ball, trying to comfort herself, trying to ignore everything around her.
But the laughter is getting louder and louder, she can't ignore it anymore. She needs to end it, he needs to end it!
End it now!!
End it now!!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!

She suddenly stands up and shove them out of her way and run, and run. She doesn't know anymore, she need a to get out of here...

We need to get out of her...

Sakura was sitting in the swing waiting for her mother. Looking at front, looking at nothing.
Then suddenly a swing sound beside her. There's a boy, who is looking at her intently.

Of course she creeps out but decided to ignore it. The sun is setting down, she keeps waiting, waiting for someone.

Then suddenly she seems to be pass out.
The next thing she new was she was in a cage, she was chained in her hand and feet.
Looking around she saw other children with a duck tape on their mouth.
Most of them is crying but some of it is just doing nothing.

She saw a familiar face, the boy she's with in the park. He was also chained up, but he was sleeping.

She closed her eyes, wishing it was only a dream but it was not.
Now she was on some sort of room with other children. But they're not tied up anymore.

It's strange, why Sakura didn't feel fear at all, or didn't feel sadness, didn't feel anything. She closed her eyes again. Strange.

"Pst!" A girl beside her suddenly put her hand on Sakura's shoulder.

"Hi! I'm Erina, what's your name?" The girl said while smiling.
Erina was bubbly person, it's like she didn't mind getting kidnapped at all. She was friendly.

Sakura look at her for a second and open her mouth, "Sakura" she said.
"Sakura! Isn't that means Cherry blossom tree, I kinda new here in Japan so everything is new to me"  Erina said and sat down beside her.

"Did you know that, there's actually a story about Sakura" She said. Sakura thought that Erina is quite talkative.

"A girl named Sakura, she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world, but she lock herself in her house and doesn't have any interest at people or making friend" Erina said.

Sakura is just sitting beside her, she started to lean on the wall and listen to Erina's story.

"Sakura lives in a snowy village, her house was located in the mountains away from the village. Sakura was a very cold person" Erina said, she look at Sakura and suddenly a light from the moon reflect on her pink hair, Erina was amused and she smiled.

"She have a white hair, and gray eyes, her name doesn't match at her at all, but one night, she found a wounded girl infront of her house, it seems that the girl was pass out. Out of pity, Sakura help the girl get her inside the house for warm" Erina continued.

"Sakura clean the girl that covered in snow, and put a wood and light a fire to keep her warm. Sakura helps the girl. When the girl wakes up, Sakura saw a most beautiful green eyes. The girl only smiled at her. It seems this girl is older at her. The girl stayed at her housed until the storm past on, until her wounds heals. They became friends in short period of time, Sakura became attached for the girl.For the first time Sakura felt happiness" Erin stats to play with her hair while telling a story.

"But suddenly one night, as the girl was saying goodbye to Sakura and left she starts to walk away, in a quick glimpse in her window, she saw angry villagers starting to march on up the mountain towards to Sakura's house, then a knock on her door, the villagers said that there's a witch with green eyes nearby, seems to them green eyes mean greedy and cursed, that why they have to get rid of it, Sakura lied at them and said she didn't know anything and close the doors, hoping the girl safely got out of the village, when she starts sweeping the floor, she hears a sound of screaming and running in the forest 'Oh no!' she said"

"Sakura wears her most thickest cloak and starts to run towards the forest,  but she was too late, the villagers starts a fire in the forest and head back in the village while Sakura trying to find the girl through fire, she found her lying at the snow, while fire is around them, for the first time on Sakura's life she felt something different than happiness but she felt pain and sadness, she go down on her knees looking at the pitiful girl, the girl was naked and her eyes was Rip out, she was lying and whispering something, 'don't- don't hold grudges to them my dear, don't hate humans, they're naive and doesn't understand anything at all, that's why instead of hating them, love them, trust them' the girl slowly put her hand on Sakura cheeks and starts to wipe her tears away saying a last words 'thank you' and she died" Erina said sadly.

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