Epilogue 2| Anniversaries and Nappies

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Published on 8th July 2022.

Timeline. October. Two years to their wedding.

I love your comments. Please don't hide yourself from typing your reactions, especially the inline ones. They motivate me to write further.

Nothin' to say
When everything gets in the way
Seems you cannot be replaced
And I'm the one who will stay, oh

– S H R U T I –


I loved the warmth I had now.

Snuggling more into the warmth of person beside me, I took a deep sigh and held his arm which was around my naked waist. My shirt had ridden up last night because of his hand, and remained so till now, causing all of the cool air in room to hug me.

His uneven breath hit my neck and his hand crawled upwards beneath my shirt. I knew he was up. His right leg which was by the time over mine, drew back and I felt his front tightly pressed onto my bottom. He was hard.

I knew he loves morning sex –I love it too– but what I don't understand is how he gets charged so quickly. We had a couple of rounds a few hours ago and his stamina goes over my head.

Talking about last night, it was nothing unusual until the midnight. I remember I was too sleepy last night and the long schedule for next day compelled us to take the bed early. It wasn't until midnight when I heard Rishabh's voice near my ears as he stood beside me with a cake in his hands. It was the best cake ever, for he made it.

Our second anniversary's cake it was!

Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries at midnight was something I could never understand. But if he loved it, I did too.

I pounced upon him and kissed him to show how much I loved his surprise. Tears found their way through my eyes as I felt his love for me and the next thing I knew was us hitting our paradise.

As his hand fondled my left bosom, my mind drifted back to present. With his constant breath falling below my ear and his hips grinding with mine, I couldn't think straight.

"I love you so much..." His husky voice hit my ear as he pulled my butt in his direction to help his case. He could've pulled my panties down and had his way with me but he chose the other way. My husband is sometimes dimwit in such matters!

With my trousers up, and his too maybe, he grinded me as slowly as he could and paused when I rolled my ass around his hardness. His hand's hold on my hips loosened and crawled to my hand. He fondled the back of my hand while drawing patterns over it.

"You're up?"

"Hmm... Good morning." I mumbled while trying to open my eyes and adjust them to sunlight. I pressed my body on his, intending to leave no space between us.


My man smells so great!


I held the hem of my pants and pulled them down along with my undies. My head leaned back to see him and my fingers grazed his face. "I love you." Everything was perfect about him. His eyes, his nose, his eyes, his cheeks, his jawline — everything was so perfect. The way he treats me is so perfect.

He smiled as his hands slowly travelled down my curves, fondling them until they reached my ass. His fingers escaped between my legs and stroked my weak spot. A moan escaped my mouth as he fingered my sex, making it wetter. With addition of two more long fingers of his inside me, I moaned loudly. He palmed my mouth tightly and his eyes grew wide.

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