Pseudogenes| Contraindication Spin-Off

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I couldn't get enough of Evelyn and her world... so I wrote a spin-off!

Here's a sneak peek!

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"Are all the leaders here?" Brad, the 26-year-old college student with a blonde mullet, stood in front of the bonfire, which was only the size of my fist. Brad just like last year and the year before looked absolutely bored. With his tired brown eyes and untamed clothes, he clenched onto his clipboard and surveyed the group of teen leaders in front of him. "I'm just going to take your silence as a yes." He didn't even have to use his megaphone as he stepped down from his rock. Brad's grandpa used to run the competition camp. We called him the Grand Squirrel because that 75-year-old could go through a Costco-sized jar of cashews in under 10 minutes, leaving nothing but crumbs behind. We also called him Grand Squirrel, as that was the only fitting camp name. However, he suffered from a mild heart attack 3 years ago and was told he needs to take life slower, which meant no more camps.. no more children... and no more cashews.

So Brad took over. He didn't want to but Grand Squirrel threatened to cut him out of the will.

Brad had shared many personal things with us... even some things that I don't even want to repeat, but despite his attitude, and the fact that he didn't have a camp name, I still had to report back to him... for brownie points.

"Alright, so I'm not going to go through that opening speech about life and nature and yadda yadda. All of you were here last year except for... Red Banana? Oh god is that the name you choose for yourself?" Brad glanced up from his clipboard and narrowed his eyes at someone in front of me.

Red Banana, a tall teen wearing a red banana bandanna, and red face paint on his dark cheeks, was singled out. He was standing near Green Tiger Shark, who patted his back for moral support. But I could tell that the red shade on his face was going to be there for a while.

"Ugh welcome... Red Banana? Someone will explain the rules and if you need any help, don't ask me. Yellow Fox Nose will be happy to help you." He nodded to a chubby woman sitting in a lawn chair behind him. She smoked a cigarette and lazily turned the page of her magazine. There was yellow duct tape over the name, but I saw the babe with a swimsuit on it. I could tell it was PlayBoy magazine... or at least I hoped it was. I casually glanced around her to see if anyone's child was near. She was one of the few adults here only for medical emergencies and judging. Other than that, we were basically on our own... no cell phones, or electronics, only walkie-talkies, and nature. We were just a bunch of kids watching other kids 3 hours away from town.

"Anyway, I gathered half of you here because they have informed me that last week was the deer and duck hunting convention. They also told me that there may be a few gun shells and arrows left behind. Before the official opening ceremony, I randomly selected a few of you to walk the trails and collect any dangerous things you see. Also, umm mark the position of ivy plants with orange spray paint. The rest of you will be on judging shifts for the first event." He coughed as he looked around. "Although you can't judge anything yet, as these children are—struggling?" Brad smiled for the first time—the first time since I met him. "When I call your name, come up and grab a walkie and garbage bag and head to your route." He took off his cap and peered down onto his chipboard. He let out a long sigh as he rubbed his temples. "For the sake of my sanity, I'm not going to read your camp names. Just the first one makes me feel like I'm on a drug trip."

The group laughed, knowing exactly what name he was talking about. Grape Limestone Swirls, the Queen of the Charpy Girls Group #9 of Lonsdale. I don't know why Emily chose that name, but she seemed content with it.

"Emily and Kevin, you'll take the North Blueberry Trail. Darren and Greg, you'll take the South Duck Trail. Hudson, Grace, and Jagmeet, the West lake trail. Please do two rounds of walking, and bring an extra bundle orange rope. The kids like water and it's too cold to save anyone—just block it off." The group of three nodded before grabbing the largest bundle they can carry. "Luke and Carry, North-east Blackberry Trail, and Melba and Marcus, East Cliff Trail... you'll need extra rope as well."

"Great." I frowned as my name was called with Marcus'. There were so many other people here. Rocking back and forth on my feet near the back, Marcus turned and eyed me, also slightly annoyed.

"The rest of you grab some hot chocolate and clipboards. It's going to be a while. And banana dude?" Brad narrowed his eyes. "Please go to your group. That kid over there is tying up the one with the red coat and making him eat the brown grass."

Red Banana gasped, racing back to his site, still red like an apple under the face paint.

"They haven't even unpacked yet." I sighed under my breath. It was going to be a long weekend.

The group cleared out, leaving only the 11 of us that were grouped up to scout out. "I guess we're on trail duty together, Ms. Blue Sunrise." Marcus picked up a can of spray paint and a roll of rope, leaving me to get the garbage bag and walkie.

"Shut up, Green Tiger Shark, and let's get moving." I flipped on the walkie before chipping it on my jacket, "The faster we do this is the faster I'll beat you."

"In your dreams."

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The first chapter is officially up! Here's the link:

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