Twelve| Pizza is Better Than Socializing

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"Life is for the living.
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music.
And death a note unsaid."
—Langston Hughes

School was never a fun place... Especially if you haven't been there in weeks.

I sauntered down the hallway, avoiding the stares and the gasps of my classmates. I still had a limp in my step since I haven't felt pressure on my left leg in weeks.

Steve forced me to come here after I got my cast off... I should have fought harder to get out of his arms.

I slowly slipped through a group of girls gossiping in the hallway. Before I made it away one of them grabbed me by my bag strap.

"Evelyn, you're finally here!" Tracy smiled and pulled me together with a group of girls.

The chit chat silenced, as I awkwardly stood on the outskirts of the group in the middle of the hallway.

Amelia, Kim, Rashida, Marcy, and Jae, (also known as the entire student council) stared at me. These girls were intimidating with their matching blue sweaters and black sneakers. Tracy was the one who stood out with her t-shirt and short shorts.

"Oh, you're the girl who almost died?" Kim flipped her black bob, and the other girls nodded, "I just want to let you know that the council and I have started a petition to ban the rope exercise in our school," She grabbed my shoulder.

"Oh, wow..." I blinked. "That is um—"

"Amazing! Evelyn thinks it's amazing!" Tracy cut me off and the rest of the girls giggled.

I did not think it was amazing.

Amelia was the next clone to speak, "You know what will help us out?" She adjusted her glasses, "If your parents sued the school board?"

"Sue the school board?" I scratched my head as they threw me into the middle of the conversation.

"Yep." Jae smiled, "If your parents sue then it would bring awareness to our little campaign."

I frowned, "Well, I don't think—"

"Her parents are suing!" Tracy spoke for me once again. She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer into the group. "You should have seen her mom! She was furious." She spoke with her hands, "plus her mom is the editor of Vogue, so you know this case will be huge!"

Correction: my mom's a ghostwriter for a small magazine company. She is not the editor of vogue. I didn't understand where Tracy was going with this.

All the girls gasped and pulled out their notebooks to write the things Tracy said.

I shook my head, "Um, that's not—"

"—Hey, what's going on here?" A smooth voice placed his arms around Tracy's shoulder, and this time it was my turn to gasp.

Charles —yes, the same Charles Tracy was drowning over—kissed her on the cheek.

I didn't care if he cut me off, because the fact that he kissed her made my throat dry. A lot happened in a few weeks.

A lot happened to Tracy.

"Hey, you're back in school, Emma!" Charles greeted.

I shook off my state of shock and put on a fake grin, "Its Evelyn?" I snared.

He ignored me as he ruffled his blonde hair and hugged Tracy tight. They almost had on matching outfits; light blue tops and dark shorts. Charles' golden eyes met mine as he looked confused and concerned, "You know when Evan told me about you falling, I thought you were a goner." He held my eyes, "That was 8 metres, Emma! Tracy told me how much you fought for your life in the hospital." He held his free hand against his chest. "I'm surprised you're even here?"

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