Thirty-Five| Explanations Of The End

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"When I buy a new book, I always read the last page first, that way in case I die before I finish, I know how it ends.
That, my friend, is a dark side."
― Nora Ephron

"Evelyn! I told you so! Living off the grid is dangerous!" Felix scowled at me, but his angry emotions soon softened as he embraced me.

I was hesitant; Everyone I trusted lied to me, but deep down I knew he was the only one I could trust— after all, his hugs always felt good.

I was sitting at the back of the ambulance with a grey blanket over me. I missed my date, I found out that there was a group of people who wanted me dead, and now apparently I need stitches because my leg didn't fully heal.

But I refused to go to the hospital just yet. I wanted to wait a bit to see if my body was just delaying healing all the way.

Felix let go of me and grabbed my shoulders, "Are you alright?" He asked me.

I looked down at my leg, "Yeah? I guess... alright is a word..." I looked out at the many police cars that entered the now full construction sight. At one point a fire truck came, then left as it wasn't needed. "I just want to know who called the police?"

"Oh, I did silly." Felix hopped up and joined me on the ledge of the ambulance. He rubbed his arm, which was missing his rosary.

"You did?"

He nodded, "You didn't send me a text saying that you got there, so I was kind of worried."

"Worried enough to call the entire Beans Ville, emergency department on me?" I watched as a few police cars left.

"Not quite..." He spoke in hushed tones. "When I was complaining about you how you didn't message me, Tracy broke down and told me everything."

I gulped, "She did, huh?" I looked down at my thighs. The people I trusted used my openness against me. I didn't know who to tell things to anymore. I'm not even sure if I should be around Felix.

"I was completely in shock when she told me she switched your pills twice." He continued, "And that she did it just for that toxic boy Charles." He punched the air, "I immediately started yelling at her because she gave me that look... you know? The one where you could tell that she was hiding more."

Ah, the classic Tracy look. She doesn't even know she's doing it. I'm surprised I haven't caught on to that yet.

"She told me the date with just a setup for something big," He looked at me, "I asked her to elaborate but she immediately left." He sighed, "So I tracked your location and I called the cops, and now we're here. And I still have no idea what's going on but... at least you're safe." He pulled an arm around me and I leaned into his shoulder.

I was safe for now. I still didn't fully grasp everything that happened either, and I'm apparently in the middle of it.

I leaned my head off his shoulders as the police walked out the unfinished building with Mrs. Zip struggling in handcuffs. Charles, all bloody, casually walked behind them. He wasn't in cuffs but he looked worried.

"Is that Zip's?" Felix leaned forward, "And Charles?" He scratched his blue hair as he pulled out his phone to record.

"Uh huh,"  I sighed, feeling sleepy.

"Oh you have a lot to tell me, Evelyn!" He laughed as I watched him get everything on video.

Charles met my eyes from a distance. He looked at a cop close to him to for the ok, before he made his way to us.

"No! Charles, call my lawyer! Notify everyone!!" Mrs. Zip screamed as she tried getting out of police custody. Her shiny green suit under the sunlight would make anyone scream, "Charles!" She yelled as the police opened the back of the car and pushed her inside. "You cannot do this to me! I'm an important political figure! I'm trying to save—" Her ranting was cut off as the door slammed shut. She banged her hands and the head on the glass like it was the end of the world. And as soon as she saw where Charles was going, she banged extra loud before the car drove away.

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