Eighteen | A Brawl in the McDonald's Parking lot

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"Maybe all one can do is
hope to end up with the right regrets."
—Arthur Miller

"You're coming with us, Emma!" Charles the captain of the soccer team demanded.

I felt like they were about to start a brawl in a McDonald's parking lot. I ignored the boy wheezing behind and shook my head, "Ok, first, my name is Evelyn, and second, I'm not going anywhere with you!"

Charles ignored me and turned to the boy on the left. I think his name was Conner or something? I'm pretty sure he was in my Chemistry class. Anyways Charles snapped his fingers, and Connor pulled up his sweatshirt, revealing a gun.

I didn't react that much since this was my second time seeing a gun, but that was something they didn't need to know. I heard Pizza Boy gasp behind me as he saw what they were holding.

"Now? Is this enough to make you come with us?" The Golden Boy frowned, "I really don't want to use it."

I rolled up my sleeves and stepped forward, "yeah, not really?" I shrugged, "who sent you anyway?" I asked.

Charles tilted his head, "that's not of your concern, Emma." The soccer boys behind him stepped forward, "We were given a task and we have to complete it." He leaned against the truck, "Now would you please make our lives easier, and come with us." He held his arms up, "And don't worry, we'll have you back here in like an hour."

I laughed and turned to Pizza Boy, who was crying against Darren's jeep, "Are they with you?" I asked while pointing at the group, "I didn't know you knew them? You don't even go to our school?"

"I have no idea who those people are!" His green eyes shook.

Well, damn. If Pizza Boy didn't know them, then who sent them? It couldn't be a different person? How many people wanted me dead? "Ok then?" I kept my cool. "Charles, Conner, Adi, and um, tall kid from my Physics class." I looked at the forest behind their truck, "I don't have time for this? And I'm not going anywhere with you." I held my hands on my hips, "So tell whoever you're working for, that I have other things to do." I smiled, "Oh, and tell Tracy the asshole I say hi. She wasn't even supposed to tell you." I muttered those last few words.

"Hey!" Charles snapped, "Don't call Tracy's an asshole! She's my girlfriend!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Who called Tracy an asshole?" A voice asked. Oh great! Looks like Darren and Felix decided to join the fun.

The two stopped immediately as they noticed the soccer boys and Pizza Boy crying over his burning hives.

"Um, Evelyn?" Felix placed the tray of drinks on the top of the jeep. I could see his brown eyes scan the area, "What's going on?" he asked. "And why is the soccer team here, and who's this?" He pointed to Pizza Boy. The poor boy with hives looked like he wanted to run to his car.

"Ah, Blueberry and the new kid? I'm glad you can join us." Charles laughed, "We were just asking Emma here to drop everything she's doing and come back to town with us." He spoke like the words coming from his mouth were normal. "Don't worry she'll be back in like an hour, 2 tops if she struggles."

I shook my head.

Darren frowned at Charles, but then his green eyes instantly widened as he looked at Conner's pocket. "Conner has a gun!!" He freaked.

Both he and Felix raised their hands in the air like they were being robbed.

"See? look at that!" Charles pointed, "I didn't even have to take it out." He crossed his arms, "Now why don't you be a good girl and come with us."

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