Thirty-Two| Turn South

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"Keep calm when things don't go according to your expectations!
Beautiful things always meet friction!"
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Saturday morning rolled around, and I was feeling nervous. It's not like I've never been on a date before. It's just, well... I've never been on a date with a person who liked me before.

Long story short, I've been on a few blind dates. All of them were Tracy's ideas and I surprised by how she was was somehow able to set up them up. However since they were all planned by her... they all ended with the same words, "Oh, you're not my type! I'm sorry we didn't hit it off."

Well yeah? Isn't that the purpose of a blind date? You're out of options so you ask your friends if any neutral friends are single, then that friend sets things up. You don't expect to see your type on a blind date. But I guess those boys thought they would.

"I don't like you going on a date with Evan, Evelyn." Felix rolled around on my bed as I zipped up my black pants.

"Well, he's kinda right?" Tracy sat in my desk chair and played around with the pen Steve left around. "I think we should tag along?"

I turned to give them a dirty look then walked back to find a pair of shoes, "Umm no thank you? You guys tagged along on my blind dates, but this isn't a blind date."

Tracy spun around in the chair a few more times, before complaining, "Yeah but it's still a date."

"Did I follow you on your date with Charles?" I hit her hard.

She rolled her eyes and went back to playing with the pen. It was true though, Tracy didn't even tell us that she went on multiple dates with him.

At least I told them about my dad.

Felix got out of the bed and joined me by the closet. "You should totally stick with those basic flat sandals. The focal point of your outfit is the top. Plus, this roses will go great with the red." He held his hands on my shoulders.

I smiled, picking up the red flats, "Oh? I totally didn't think of that! Thanks, Felix."

He still held a hand on my shoulder, "No problem Evelyn... and umm if you won't let us come along... can you at least keep your location on so we could track you?" He asked nicely.

I burst out laughing, "In your dreams, Felix! I never turn on my location because I enjoy being off the grid." I pushed his arm off me but before I could even think, Felix grabbed my phone off the dresser and turned it on. I rolled my eyes and didn't bother to change it back. "Oh, whatever, " I took the phone back from him and grabbed my wallet from off my desk. My hand graced over my pills causing my mood to swing. I sighed as I looked those pills. The orange container stared back at me as Felix and Tracy laughed about something.

It was pain to carry them around everywhere... but I didn't know when I would need them. For weeks now, it seemed like I was taking at least 4 a day... even when things were turning normal.

But I wasn't normal... at least in my eyes...
So the bottle had to come with me.

* *<%) * *

I slowed down my mom's car to a complete stop and parked a few minutes minutes away from where the lunch place was.

I was in downtown Hope Street— the one part of Beans Ville that didn't resemble a can of beans.

I've never been here before, and I've only seen pictures online; But Tracy described the place as a beautiful isolated part of Beans Ville filled with homie small family-run stores and bakeries.

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