Twenty-Seven | A Salty Breakup

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"Life is like an elevator.
On your way up,
sometimes you have to stop
and let some people off."

I made a grand appearance in school and I'll have you know... no one was expecting it.

Of course, everyone stared in awe as I walked to my locker; I even got a few sorrowful and dirty looks, but just showing up to school was enough to make everyone believe that I was still alive—I didn't have to announce it.

However, showing my face didn't stop people from talking. All morning during my walk of awkward shame, all I could hear the whispers and the bickering.

Evelyn did it for attention.

Evelyn needs a therapist.

Evelyn is crazy.

Evelyn needs help.

Some even connected the stunt I pulled a few weeks ago with the rope climb, and said I let go on purpose.

I can admit, with the way things have been going this was logical. But if they knew the truth they wouldn't be taking bad—They'll be sympathizing.

I don't blame or hate them though, I only blame Tracy's boy toy.

Charles was the one who started this rumour. The student body believed Charles and his friends just because they were on the soccer team. I don't know why they did... But apparently the soccer boys had some sort of power and authority because of their cool status.

I still have yet to even face Charles or any of the boys involved.

I still don't want to face Charles or any of the boys involved.

"Evelyn!" Tracy's loud voice pleaded. "Evelyn? Please talk to me? Telling me everything was ok over text was not the right way to go! I'm worried, Evelyn." She sucked in a breath, "Evelyn?"

The repetition of my name made everything much worse. Yes, I did briefly text her some things last night, and I thought it would satisfy her...but it didn't. Here she was next to me, begging me to speak to her.

"Evelyn, tell me what's going on?" Tracy groaned from the other side of my locker door.

I shut the door and hesitantly faced my best friend, "A lot... A lot went on and it passed over your head."

Tracy stared at me with her brown eyes. She frowned as she leaned closer, "What do you mean a lot? Evelyn, I don't have time for the stalling and the—"

"There, that's it." I politely intruded her sentence and held her glare, "You don't have time for my stalling. You much rather be with your boyfriend then hear your best friend out." I locked my locker door and looked around for Darren. He was usually early, a little too early, but he liked to have a detour room. I still haven't seen him and class starts in 10 minutes. This was unusual for him? "I wouldn't call this stalling...This is more of a coping mechanism for me since my entire life was just turned upside down, and you were too busy partying to even notice."

Tracy adjusted her long hair over her brown collared shirt that closely resembled her skin tone, and let my words sink in.

She couldn't deny my statement.

We both knew I was right.

Even if she could by bring up a minor point about me not being open enough, it still wouldn't compare to her unlawful devotion to Charles.

The space between us turned awkward as tears formed in her eyes. I sighed as I picked up my bag to get ready to leave, but she wiped away her tears, "It's not that I didn't notice things or don't have time to hang out with you... I do... it's just Charles's life is a thrill, and I've never been this cool before."

I crossed my arms and adjusted my bag, "So you rather be cool than hang out with me." I looked away, "I see... so you would only contact me when it's convenient to you."

Her lips trembled, "Evelyn? I didn't say that."

"No, you didn't have to say it. You honestly didn't have to—"

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice coughed. I looked up from Tracy's sad face to see Charles behind her. His brown eyes widened in fear when he saw me, but the rest of his body didn't react. His nose was swollen, and he had a few cuts on his cheek from when Issac punched him in the parking lot. Charles backed slightly up and looked to the ground embarrassed.

I didn't even bother to look at him, "No, you're not interrupting anything." It pained me to say that, but I knew if I stayed here longer, I would start crying—and I didn't have the energy to cry. "Tracy and I were just saying goodbye." I held on to my strap tight as Tracy's eyes turned dark.

"No, we—"

"Ok, that's good." Charles winced as he scrunched up his nose, "Because I need to talk to Tracy about something."

"Ok, Charles," I stressed his name and turned around without a goodbye.

Let Tracy be with the man of her dreams.

She's ditched me so many times just to be with him, so she wouldn't mind being with him when she's upset. After all, what were boyfriends for? Comfort? I don't know? I've never had a boyfriend before.

Just as I turned a corner a commotion broke out behind me. I glanced back to see Tracy pushing Charles' chest, "No you're such an ass, you can't break what we have!" She screamed with raw emotions, "You're the one who did this to me!?"

Students crowded around to see the action inevitably blocking my view. The last thing I saw was Charles leaning against my locker and Tracy kicking his legs.

"I hate you!" She screamed and pushed through the crowd in the opposite direction, crying.

I sighed and walked away, feeling a little bizarre. At least now everyone has something new to talk about... because I'm pretty sure Charles just broke it off with Tracy.

As the crowd disappeared, I took a deep breath to try to shake off how I was feeling. There was a raw itch and a spike and I knew it wasn't anger or sadness— It was the urge to take more of my pills. I've gotten used to it now, and I never denied it.

Slowly, I rounded the corner and reached into my back for the tiny bottle. I made sure no one was there, and I popped two into my mouth for the second time today.

I had a tiny feeling that this wouldn't be the last time I'll take them.

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