Twenty-Two| He's not so Jazzy...

43 4 7

"Humans, not places, make memories."
-Ama Ata Aidoo

Your destination is on the right.

The monotone computer voice spoke through the silent Jeep.

It's been a while since I pulled off the highway... and all I have been doing for an hour was navigating through strange minor roads.

2 out of the 4 of us were injured.

Well, make that 3 out of 4 if you count my headache as an injury. With the pounding in my head, I could no longer think straight. I was surprised I could still drive. The back seat was filled with 2 itching boys while the front seat was filled with 2 overthinking teens.

"On the right? On the right, where?" Felix squinted his eyes and rolled down his window.

"I don't know? This is like some pharmaceutical lab, it's supposed to be a big building?" I slowed down the Jeep.


The Jeep came to a complete stop as I pressed down on the breaks. In front of us was an open road that led to a gate of trees, and beside us on both sides were more thick trees. "Arrived? What do you mean arrived?" I slapped the GPS, "Darren? Your Jeep is stupid!"

Before Darren could respond Felix stuck his blue hair out the window, "Over there!" He pointed.

I looked towards where his fingers were and I sighed. To the right, a few meters ahead was a small gravel pathway. If he didn't point that out I would have driven past it.

"I don't think that's it," Darren complained from behind me. He moved around in the seat as he rubbed his eyes. I can't imagine how poison Ivy felt in his pants.

I stared down the path again, "I think it is?" I placed the car into drive, then slowly turned into the road. We travelled in silence for a bit until the thick trees started to clear out. 2 large buildings with a large gap that was only a meter wide appeared in the distance. It looked all high tech with its sliver windows and asymmetrical design. ThriftWay Co. was printed on a sign that we just drove past.

This place felt odd? Oddly familiar?

"I think you have to pull up there?" Felix spoke as he rolled up his window.

Up ahead was a booth with a security guard casually playing on his phone, "Yeah no, he looks scary." I stopped the car, and the man in the booth didn't notice. "Isn't there another way in?" I tried looking around the sides, but there was just a straight pathway. A path that led to a beefy man with tattoos who looked like he could break my neck.

"This is the lab?" Issac joined in, "This doesn't look like one?" He unbuckled his seatbelt and shuffled closer to the front. Issac was acting like he was in an aquarium, and the security guard was a jacked out shark. "I think this is the only way in." He added, still staring in aww.

I groaned and slowly drove the car along the path with the guard. When I came to a complete stop, the guard jumped up and threw down his phone. He adjusted his hat and grabbed his clipboard.

Even though I was pissing my pants I rolled down my window when he tapped the glass, "Excuse me young lady, do you have an appointment?" He asked, looking down at his clipboard.

I looked up from the wheel and pulled on a fake smile even though things around me fuzzed. "Um no sir, but I-"

"Wait hold on?" The guard pulled down his sunglasses and looked at me, "Is that you, Evelyn?"

I did a double-take as the guard gave me a kind smile, "Um, excuse me?" My mouth was left agape as he said my name again.

"It is you, Evelyn!" His posture loosened, "Oh man, you've grown a lot! I remember you when you were so small... always running around with a cute little smile on your face."

I stayed frozen. What the heck? Was I hearing him wrong? Was he talking about someone else because I have never seen him before? Felix tapped me on the shoulder, but all I could give him was a confused look.

The tall guard pointed to his chest, "It's me? Jazzy Jet?" His smile turned upside down, "I used to escort you to your room?" He kept trying. But with every word, I got more confused. "Oh my, you don't remember me, do you?" The man named Jazzy Jet sighed. "I totally get that, it's been like almost 11 years, wow!" He looked up at the sky then leaned on my car, "Steve didn't tell me you were coming? I guess it was supposed to be a surprise?"

It was a surprise to me that this man seemed to know who I was. I snapped out of it and tried to focus, "Yeah... totally? Um, well, he hasn't been picking up my calls, so I came here?" I kept looking around the building, avoiding Jazzy Jet's eyes.

"Oh, that's so brave of you." He smiled once more, "I'm sorry for gushing over you, but you used to brighten my day." He blushed, "But I guess it's time for me to do my job and let you in." He pulled down his sunglasses and went into security mode, "Ok, umm, how many people in your party?" He asked.

"Oh? Umm 3... plus myself so 4," I sighed still in a state of shock.

"Ok um... any illnesses to report?"

I blinked, then looked back at Isaac and Darren. I knew poison ivy wasn't an illness, but I wasn't sure what Isaac was carrying around. I glared especially at him until he shook his head.

I looked back at Jazzy Jet. "Nope... unless you count poison ivy?"
Darren sighed as I mentioned that.

"Ok!" Jet jotting it down, "and finally... any criminal offenses?" He looked up.

Again I ignored Darren and Felix and turned to Isaac. I could tell that he was uncomfortable, but I've only known him for a few hours. He shook his head again, this time rapidly.

I rolled my eyes and faced Jet once again. "No, sir." I grinned.

Jet tapped his clipboard and slipped his pen into his pocket. "Ok, you're all clear to go." He smiled, "Just follow that path and it will take you to the main entrance."

I looked down the winding road as he continued.

"I wouldn't charge for parking today... but next time I might." He winked.

All I could do was smile, as he waved goodbye at the car. As soon as he was out of sight I rolled up my window and let out a nervous laugh. "Ok then?" This was weird, this was messed up.

A group of cars started to appear and what looked like a parking lot formed. I found an empty spot on the gravel road and parked the Jeep.

As soon as the engine cut, Felix spoke."Who the hell was that guy?" He asked me.

I pulled the keys out and stared at the building, "I have no idea..." I squinted, "I swear I have never seen Jazzy Jet before. I'm not even sure if that's his actual name."

I squeezed my temples as Felix continued to speak, "You don't know him? That man was talking about your bath time!" He empathized, "And you have no idea who he is?!"

"I don't..." my voice trailed off. I looked at the building again, but nothing was ringing a bell. "I swear I've never been here before."

"Maybe you've been here before and don't remember it?" Isaac coughed, "Maybe your experience may have been so bad you block it from your memory?" He itched his throat. His hives were spreading and the dark marks around his face were more noticeable. The water from a few hours ago only helped it a bit.

Felix placed a hand on my shoulder, "He's got a point? I'm sure you've been here before, but you don't recall."

I sighed and looked down at my hands. "Maybe..." I whispered, "But we're not here to unlock anything from the past... We're here to get my medication and go home."

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