Nineteen| No Cheese, No Pizza Boy!

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"A wise man changes his mind,
a fool never will."
--Spanish Proverb

I used whatever strength I had left to dreadfully stand up and made my way to the barely conscious Pizza Boy.

Both Felix and Darren stepped away like frightened children as I got close. Why wouldn't they? I was covered in blood...

I rolled my eyes and peered down at the hives filled boy. Charles and his friends really did a number on him. Pizza Boy's pale face was dark red as his nose bled, and his eyes twitched. Dark bruises were already starting to form all over his crooked face. At least his nose didn't look broken... I think? His black shirt was all rattled up and his trench coat was ripped. I noticed in the very corner of his tight shirt, there was a tiny crest.

Huh? No wonder he thought he had authority. He was a stuck up rich boy who went to the private school...

The boy's legs were in an awful position as his body barely moved to scratch his burning arms. His beaten green eyes widened with hate, mixed with fear as he saw me standing above him.

Even though he was kicked a thousand times by a soccer player, I could tell that whenever he got the chance, he would stab me in the back again.

I crossed my arms and looked at Darren and Felix, "ok boys!" I smiled, "I hope the coffee isn't too cold, because we have a lab to get to." I smiled and walked away from Pizza Boy's body.

"Whoa whoa, whoa?" Felix stopped me from opening the car, "We can't leave him like this!" He still had a petrified looked on his face but he was resorting to his adult mode.

I looked back at him; Darren was still hovering over Pizza boy's body, "Why not?" I shrugged, "He tried to kill me many times on occasion... So I guess he got what he deserved."

Felix did a double-take, "Wait he tried to kill you?"

I nodded then continued, "Yeah? He tried his best but didn't succeed. Apparently, his mom or someone took his Xbox? And he has to kill me to get it back?" I looked at my phone; It was already past 12, and we still had another 2 hours of driving to go, "Now get Darren in the jeep we got to go."

"No!" Pizza Boy slowly sat up and itched his arms, "d-don't leave me alone? I can't drive with this!" He referred to his arms.

Darren held his hand against the boys back, "I don't think he can?" He stumbled, "He's having some sort of allergic reaction, and along with all these injuries he can't move that well."

I rolled my eyes at Darren's sympathy, "Well, he can call whoever took his Xbox. I'm sure they wouldn't mind driving an hour out of town to pick up their private school assassin."

The pizza boy covered the school logo on his shirt and looked away. "I can't..." He whispered, "For reasons I can't." He sounded defeated as he rubbed his arms against the gravel.

"Huh," I looked away, "Good excuse asshole." Felix grabbed my shoulder as I continued, "I'm sure you have enough energy to walk to the hospital or beg someone in the McDonald's to call you an ambulance or something."

Pizza boy didn't respond, instead he wiped his bloody nose and sniffed like a kid at the doctor's office.

Darren looked up at me then frowned, "Evelyn, the only person working at the McDonald's is a 45-year-old lady? How would you think she would react when a boy stumbles in with cuts and hives asking for help?"

I squinted, "I don't know? She'll probably call the police?" I suggested.

Felix sighed behind me, "Darren's got a point! I'll feel bad for him. Maybe we should take him with us?"

My heart skipped a beat, "excuse me?" I turned, "take him with us?"

"Yeah!" Felix continued, "Aren't we heading to a pharmaceutical lab? I'm pretty sure they'll have drugs that could help his reaction, and like antiseptic or something?"

"Did you not listen to me?" I freaked, "He wants to kill me?" I pointed at the itchy teen, "This stuck up boy stabbed me twice and shot me in the head!" I threw my arms in the air, "He also threw rocks at my window and tried to choke me! And today, while you guys were off ordering chicken nuggets and coffee, he was throwing salt laced with drain cleaner at me!"

"Because you told me it would kill you?" Pizza Boy added.

"See!" I frowned, "Even when he's in pain you can still hear the pure hatred in his voice, and see the fire in his eyes! This boy has it out for me, and taking him to the lab will give the person who took his Xbox the upper hand!"

Felix stared blankly as I tried reasoning with him, but he stood his ground. "Yes, but he's badly hurt, and unlike you, he doesn't have the magical power to heal." Felix walked over to him, "he's coming with us..." he held out a hand to Pizza Boy, "and him telling his mom about it is a future problem. Right now he's hurt, and I would like someone to take pity on me if I was hurt." Felix helped him up, then looked me dead in the eye, "start the car Ms. immortal, we have a lab to get to."

I was completely speechless. Felix was the type of boy to help anyone regardless of their situation. It was his motto... it was the way he lived his life.

That's why I was grateful enough for him to understand my situation that day when I told him. But now... he was helping someone who tried to kill me... many times.

This was the one time in my life where I wasn't thankful he was here.

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