Twenty-Nine| Water, Blood & Steve

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"There is nothing either good or bad,
but thinking makes it so."
― William Shakespeare

My head still ached from the hit, but I highly doubt the lingering pain was from the ball. I think it was my body's way of telling me I needed to take more of my meds.

I shoved off my shoes and dropped my 3 ton bag to walk into the bright kitchen. My socks gilded with every step as the cold tile led me to the monstrous refrigerator my mom spent hundreds of dollars on.

My shaky hand pulled on the door as a cold bottle of water was calling me by my name. As soon as I shut the door, I noticed a blob in the kitchen's corner—a blob that was supposed to be 3 hours away in the middle of nowhere.

"Hello, Evelyn?" Steve spoke while leaning against the countertop in his business suit. His hair was back up in a man bun and he was casually munching on some cereal. The sugary kind with marshmallows, that only adults would buy for their bratty children.

Without giving a damn about his presence, I haft-hearty looked over my shoulder and gave him a petty greeting, "Hello to you Steve... please leave." I twisted the cap off the water and let the cool liquid run down my dry throat.

Steve signed as he watched my every move like a mother worried about their troubled child. "I think you're drinking too fast," he added while shoving another spoon filled with marshmallows. "You might choke."

I stopped and swallowed what was left in my mouth. The chilly feeling of relief washed over me. Not the type of relief I got from my pills, but the type of relief one might feel when they finally sit down after a long day. "I don't care if I choke...It's not like I'm going to die." I shrugged and chugged some more.

His polish politeness turned to worry as he tired to reach for the bottle of water to stop me.

I gagged as I swatted his hand away. Water spilled up out my mouth splashing onto the white tiles. I felt my throat go numb as little speckles of blood tingled my tongue. "Ugh look what you made me do!. I wiped my mouth and hunched away from him. The coppery taste turned my stomach as I used the counter to steady my swaying body.

I heard Steve shuffle behind me but I was to fed up to turn around.

"Why haven't you left yet?" I angrily stood up straight, "I highly doubt Rosemary let you in, she's just as angry as I am but for her own damn reasons." I rubbed my temples as I stared down at the puddle. My throat ached more so I held my breath and finished the rest of my water. "Oh and if you came to the house to ask if I want to be your hamster again, I told you no." I turned on my feet and I watched the man's facial expression change from worried to frustrated.

Steve, with all his glory, took a breath and stepped away from my shaking body. He finished off his bowl of sugar and looked down at his hands for a moment.

My mind painfully wondered as I watched him placed the bowl in the sink, then flipped up the tap. "I didn't come here to ask you again, Evelyn," He explained as he pumped some soap into the sponge. "You gave me your answer last week... and respect that. Quite frankly, I'm offended that you would even think that I wanted to ask you again." He added. "Why would you think that?

I rolled my eyes and stepped over the water to grab my bag. As I walked by, he let out an even louder sigh to catch my attention.

"Anyways, I came here to check up on you..." The tap turned off and he gripped the counter with his wet hands. I couldn't tell if he was serious, but he was wearing a suit... Steve never let me down in a suit. He looked up and met my eyes from across the kitchen, "You looked extremely upset when you left my office. And I couldn't focus on anything until you knew you were alright. "

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