Thirteen | Pizza, Beer & Partying

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"I'm the one that's got to die
when it's time for me to die,
so let me live my life the way I want to."
—Jimi Hendrix

I flunked my pop quiz and now I was celebrating by going to a party... Charles' first day of spring break party.

"Ugh!" I sighed as I sunk into Tracy's couch.

I was sitting in Tracy's spacious living room with Darren, while Felix was helping Tracy with her outfit for the party.

I groaned even louder and Darren seemed to take notice.

"She has a very nice living room..." he struck up a conversation.

I leaned over and looked at him. Why did it take so long for Tracy to find an outfit? She was the one who forced us all to go. She should have been the first one ready, "Yeah a very pleasant room." I rolled my white button-up and looked around. White was all I owned. I looked good in it, but those looks came with consequences.

Darren's leg taped up and down as he glanced around the mint coloured room. He wore a striped black and white shirt with black jeans. His dog hair was tamed, but bits and pieces were still sticking up.

Silence fell between us again, and I could tell that Darren was feeling very uncomfortable. To make things better, I continued the chitchat, "yes, her mom's an interior decorator, so she has a nice taste." I scanned around the nicely decorated room and leaned into the brown couch further.

"That's nice... ummmm I've never been to a party before!" Darren blurted out.

I crossed my arms, "wait what?"

He nodded his head, then directed his attention to his shaky legs.

I leaned up and smiled, "oh yeah? You said you were homeschooled, right?"

He nodded once again. "Yeah.." he sighed, "I've only seen them in movies." He gulped, "but like in movies, parties always go wrong... so I'm nervous." Darren's eyes met mine.

I scooted forward and placed my hand on his shoulder, "don't worry dude, there's nothing to be worried about." I looked at his legs, "and stop shaking, you're going to start an earthquake."

"Sorry." He turned away and looked at the wall again.

I sighed and fiddled with my arms. Darren was like a kicked puppy; Untrusting and really nervous. The way he acted made me feel bad about myself. He was slightly more toned down around Felix and Tracy, but when it's just us two, he looked like he was about to explode.

I recalled the way he acted when I asked him about his doctor. I shut my eyes and took a breath. Might as well ask him again, maybe this time he might be more willing to share. "Um, Darren?" I hesitated.

He turned his nervous head towards me. His hands were now fiddling with something in his pocket, but his eyes were twitching like flickering lights. "Yeah?"

"Remember earlier when I —"

"Ok guys, what do you think?" Tracy bursts into the living room with a satisfied Felix behind her. "This was the best we could do!"

Tracy's long black hair looked like clouds as it was curled and piled down her shoulders. She had on a black lace cropped top with spaghetti straps that could be passed as a bra. Her black skinny jeans had major rips all along the leg and her black leather jacket made her dark brown eyes stand out.

I dropped my question and admired Tracy as she spun around, "Wow, you look amazing." I grinned.

"Yeah..." Darren gasped, "amazing!" I could swear he blushed.

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