Two| P is for Pizza not Pain

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"I'm not afraid of death;
I just don't want to be there when it happens"
— Woody Allen

I don't want to be where it happens—but I can't control that.

You see life is not so simple to live... especially when you're a teenager alone on a weekend.

Sunday was here, and it was my last day along without my mom and her stupid boyfriend Steve. The two of them went up to his cottage for some alone time, or some love time, I didn't judge—as long as they didn't share details.

To my right was a bag of chips I picked up from the grocery store. And to my left was a limited edition DVD of my favourite food show hosted by my favourite chef—Guy Fieri.

I finally finished my giant tower of school work and I needed a day off, so binge-watching a show was my only plan today.

The washing machine chimed as I hopped off the couch to move my clothes along the endless chain of washing and drying. I skipped to the room, not forgetting to pause the tv.

The fresh scent of Ocean Breeze hit my nostrils as I picked up my newly revived jeans jacket. No more blood and dirt from the car accident, only washed out baggy blue--and soggy coupons, "No! My free pizza!" I cried. "Damn..." I exchanged and shoved the jacket in the dryer along with all my other clothes. I could have gotten a free pizza if Darren didn't hit me with his bulky Jeep.

After I switched on the dryer, I leaned my aching back against it. Even though my body healed, it still felt like a car hit me. Ugh I hate my immortality...

My empty stomach let out a loud whale, "geez dude, relax!" I laughed, "I'll just pay the full price for a pizza then." I sighed and danced back to the living room.

My lazy ass pressed play on the tv as my fingers dialled the number for the pizza store. After I senselessly placed my order, I hung up the phone and focused on the screen.

One episode later, two knocks on my door signalled that my pizza knight arrived. I ran to the door and unlocked it, expecting to see Noah, the original delivery boy. He always hit on me; from what I gathered from our many conversations, he's been working at the pizza place for 2 years just to pay off his student loans. He even had a girlfriend and was 3 years older than me. But he always threw out compliments after handing me 2 pounds of pizza. However, today was different; when I unlocked the door, someone new was holding my meal.

"Um delivery for Evelyn?" The unknown pizza boy spoke as he checked the receipt.

I let the smell of freshly cut grass and pizza hit my nose before I smiled at the guy. "Yep, that's me?"

The pizza boy nodded his head as he opened the bag that kept the pizza warm. He looked about my age, and he wasn't wearing the classic bright red New Town Pizza uniform. Instead, he had on a long trench coat, black combat boots, and a tight t-shirt. His face matched his attire as he held a surprising smirk, and his green eyes eyed me down.

I hesitantly took the streaming boxes out of his hand, "Ok? Just give me a minute to get my wallet." I met his eyes, then slowly brought the burning pizza boxes inside. The entire time I kept my eyes on this new black hair dude—maybe this was his last delivery of the day? That could explain his weird clothes. I placed the two boxes on the counter and turned my back to get my wallet.

That was a dangerous move... never turn your back on someone you don't know, especially when they are wearing a trench coat.

Before I could pick up my wallet, the sound of quick footsteps approached me. I quickly turned to see the boy standing right in front of me—holding a butter knife. "Dude what the—" Without even hesitating the boy smiled and drove the metal object right through my chest.

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