Sixteen| Cheesy Apologies

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"I'm sorry if this all seems
a little rushed and desperate. It is."
—Chuck Palahniuk

I thought Tracy's place was nice, but Darren's was even fancier. Even though he lived down the street, his tiny house was nothing compared to my tiny home. I twirled my thumbs around as I tried to listen to his rambling. I couldn't focus with the fancy lights shining on my greasy forehead. Well, I couldn't blame the chandelier, it was more of my killer headache that was preventing me from focusing.

"So y—you didn't have to apologize... I should be apologizing." Darren looked down at his shaking hands, "you were nothing but nice to me since I moved here and I was the one who destroyed your pills..." his voice trailed off.

The three of us sat down in Darren's living room. Darren on one side, myself on the other, and Felix in the middle playing mediator. I asked him to come since he was a neutral party in the situation. Plus, Darren was not comfortable with me without someone else being there.

"See, that wasn't too hard!" Felix smiled, "we all are at fault sometimes, and we just need to forgive each other." He ran his hands through his blue hair. "Evelyn?"

I nodded, "I forgive you Darren for destroying my pills, and I also want to apologize for me so insensitive last night... I was just in the moment." I looked at my hands.

"Darren?" Felix coaxed.

"I forgive you, Evelyn." He spoke hesitantly.

Felix smiled, "Wow? Would you look at that!" He stood up, "problem solved, now we're all friends." He held his arms open, "want to hug it out?"

Darren rapidly shook his head while I shrugged it off.

"No?" His smile faded, "ok then." He sat back down and grabbed a pillow to hug. "Now that this is all over with, what did you need us for Evelyn?"

My heart dropped when Felix spoke, "oh yes, right!" I turned my attention to the shaking Darren. "Darren, I was wondering if your jeep was ok?"

Darren met my eyes, "My jeep?"

"Yes, the one you hit me with when we first met?"

His eyes looked away from mine, "Umm yeah? I told my mom I hit a deer and we washed it down after she came back from work. What about it?"

"I need to borrow it, " I sighed.

Felix laughed, "Dude, borrow his jeep? Didn't Steve like give you a fancy sports car for your birthday or something"

I rolled my eyes, "It's not a sports car, it's half of a minivan," I huffed, "And he rented it out since I couldn't drive it. But I need to drive now."

Darren gulped, "Drive it where? Can't you take the bus?" He seemed skeptical of me, but that was the norm. However his tone had a slight lift to it like he was almost scared or concerned."

"I can't, it's far." I sighed, "I—I have to drive somewhere far..."

"Where?" Felix asked, "The bus goes everywhere?"

I stayed silent.

"Where are you planning on going, Evelyn?" Felix asked again.

There was no use in keeping quiet so I spoke, "I'm getting a refill on my pills," I sighed.

Felix laughed again, and leaned back into the grey sofa, "Charles' house was farther than the pharmacy." He held onto his pillow, "if it's a must, then I could ask Tracy to pick it up for you—"

"I'm not getting it from the pharmacy." I blurted out, "they don't supply what I need." I started to shake, my headache was getting worse and I couldn't think straight, "what I take regularly was something that my mother's boyfriend designed. He owns this drug testing company, and their place is three hours away." I took a deep breath, "he hasn't been answering any of my calls and I need those pills." I looked at Darren, "What I had left was supposed to last me until Steve came back with some more. But since he's not coming to me, I'm just going to go to him." My leg shook, "and I need your Jeep ... Tracy would never let me borrow hers."

The boys stayed quiet.

"You were the only other person with a car,  plus I know you can't drive with your problems." I smiled sadly, "please, it would only be for the day. It's a 3-hour drive and I'm not planning on staying long? I just need my pills and I'm out of there."

Darren looked at me, then at Felix. He took a deep breath, "Ok."

He lifted a weight off my shoulders as he spoke. "Thank you! I promise I won't damage it." I wanted to hug him, but I kept my distance.

"This is crazy, you're not going to drive three hours for some pills," Felix spoke while rubbing his rosary. "Especially not in the state you're in? "

I shut my eyes. He couldn't stop me.

I now had a car and some willpower to get more pills. I even wanted to leave immediately, but it didn't feel right. Felix was concerned about me, and that warmed my dead heart. "What do you mean state?" I sighed, "I'm perfectly fine."

"A state of withdrawal... your body is craving those pills and a three-hour drive is too much for you to do alone," Felix leaned forward.

But before I could defend my case, he continued. "And I know we can't stop you, but at least let us come with you?"

Oh? I blinked, "You want to tag along?" I never considered bringing someone with me. My mind was just telling me to get more pills! Do whatever it takes to get them back in my system. And I've been following that instinct since last night. I looked between Felix and Darren, who was shaking. "Um ok? I guess we can go on a road trip?"

"— A road trip?" Darren mumbled, "You two can go with out me..."

Felix got up from the couch and placed an arm around the shaking boy, "come on it would be boring with out you?" He smiled, "plus I know Evelyn is a fantastic driver!"

I instantly looked away. I was a bad driver with my pills and I could tell I would be even worse with out them.

"Oh I don't know?" Darren contemplated, "every time I get in a car something always goes wrong..." he sounded sensitive and sincere.

This time it was my turn to reassure him, "Don't worry Darren." I clapped my hands together, "I promise you, nothing bad is going to happen."

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