Fourteen | A Salty Chokehold

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"There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem,
and smarter than you think."
- Winnie the Pooh

For me, the game of beer pong was always a pastime. I would spend hours playing it with Steve in my garage, except we drank ice tea and water instead of beer; Steve wouldn't allow me to have alcohol.

The surrounding teens cheered as soon as I sunk my last shot into his final red solo cup, "OHHHHH!"

I threw my hands in the air and picked up my jacket off from the ground.

Evan frowned and chugged the last beer. "You win, Evelyn!" He swayed.

"Told yeah!" I smiled at him.

He threw down his cup, and we moved away from the table. Evan wasn't looking so well. His skin was red and his eyes fuzed; 10 cups of beer in under 10 minutes... that would have killed anyone, "Evan, are you ok?" I grabbed his arm to steady him, but he gripped my hand hard and pulled me out of the room and against the door frame.

"Yeah, Evelyn." He leaned closer, "I'm just sad because I won't get to go on a date with you."
His lips touched my cheek and I instantly pushed him away,  "Ugh get off Evan?" I huffed.

"Why Evelyn, oh? My?" He burped, then stepped back.

Before I could blink, I saw his body contort back... that quick movement caused brown liquid slosh out of his mouth.

"Ugh!" I held my hands up in the air as Evan recoiled back. "Evan!"

His eyes widened as he covered his mouth and back up. "I'm sorry Evelyn I-I," he was speechless.

I shook out my jacket as teens crowded around the scene. He threw up on me... he threw up beer on me!

Feeling embarrassed, I pushed past everyone and immediately ran to the nearest bathroom.

As soon as I reached in I slammed the door and locked it. My heart was in my throat as I slipped down to the ground.


I smelt like puke, my jeans jacket was covered in puke and even though I won the game of beer pong, I was humiliated by a drunk boy.

I slowly got up, using the sink as support. The bathroom I ran into was small; I didn't expect a house this big to have a place so small. The room had hints of blue and pink along with  bright green flowered shower curtains. There was also a tiny sink and not much walkway room to the toilet. I ignored the eerie background and went straight to running some water over my jacket.

I sighed as the water ran clear. The jacket was clean, but because of the jeans material, it was socked. It wasn't a big deal... I'll just be cold while walking to the car? At least a wet jacket was better than a puke fill jacket.

I slowly draped it over the toilet and leaned against the sink. Never drink when you have a killer headache. People say it smooths the pain, but I say it makes the pain worse. I opened the tap again, but this time turned it to cold.

As the cold water splashed into my face, the shower curtains behind me pulled open.

I froze and wiped my eyes, "what's with you and the bathroom?" I sighed. I didn't bother to turn around, I could see him clearly from the mirror.

Pizza Boy smiled from inside the shower. "It's the only place where you are vulnerable and alone." He rolled up his black sleeves.

I glared, "you Perv—Ahh"

The boy jumped out of the shower and wrapped his arms around my neck. I felt the airways of my throat cut off as he held me in a chokehold.

"If weapons can't kill you, then I'll use my strength!" He screamed and pushed harder.

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