Four| Tomato Fiasco

50 14 45

"The secret ingredient is always cheese."
— Unknown

I would take cheese over tomato sauce any day.

Zombies! That's how everyone walked this morning—like zombies. I dragged the protesting Darren through the groups of students to the cafeteria after class. We had 2 classes together, which was great because I finally had someone other than the teacher to talk to. However, I still was alone in math class.

"Do you really think they want me to sit with you guys?" Darren sighed.

"Shut up! Tracy and Felix are the friendliest people I know." I pulled him down the steep stairs, "They'll love you! Now walk faster, please."

Darren said he would eat in the library today. I thought his plan was awful since the librarians were like snipers catching people breaking the no eating rule. So I invited him to my lunch table. Well, more like drag him to the table because he kept on refusing.

"Hello assholes, this is Darren!" I pulled him up to my side.

Felix immediately dropped his phone and looked up. "Oh, you're new?" He stood up and held out his hand, "I'm Felix!" He smiled.

Darren shook it politely.

"And this is..." Felix kicked Tracy's leg, and she dropped her phone. It displayed a picture of Charles from his social media page on the screen—classic Tracy.

"What's going on?" She blinked.

I sighed, "Tracy, this is Darren, he's new here."

Tracy placed a smile on her face and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Darren! What brings you to an awful place like Beans Ville Secondary School?" She asked, "You know there's a much better private school down the road, right?"

Darren blushed as he shook her hand, "T-this is my first time in an actual school." He took a seat far away from me on the bench. He even scooted over to the edge, "My mom homeschooled me until she got a promotion at her construction job. That's how we ended up moving here—"

"To the worst town in the world!" Felix took some massive sips from his straw. The liquid looked green and was probably the kale drink he wanted me to try since my diet was so bad.

"It's n-not that bad." Darren took out his lunch.

Tracy laughed, "Trust me sweetheart it is!" She finally picked up her phone, "Beans Ville literally has the word beans in it. And beans are disgusting!"

"Hey keep your controversial opinions to yourself! Beans are great." Felix crossed his arms.

I sighed at my arguing friends. At one point Darren joined in and it felt like he's been here for months. My hands slowly reached into my bag for something to eat. I wasn't hungry last night, and this morning my pills kept me preoccupied so I didn't pack much. I looked down at my grumbling stomach; I only had one more class after this, but it was gym. "Hey, I'm going to grab a cookie from the cafe, do you guys want one?"

Felix rolled his eyes, "For the last time Evelyn cookies aren't a meal."

"They are to me!" I smiled, "does anyone want one?" I asked again.

Darren politely said no as Felix directed the conversation to a band that they both liked.

Tracy on the other said yes, then pulled out her wallet. She was about to give me some cash but she froze and stared at something behind me. "On second thought, let me tag along." She smiled, "I don't understand what these boys are talking about and I need a change of scenery." She dusted off her pants, then stood up.

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