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ruby athens.

"I can see your father smiling at us, Ruby. I think he's in love with me," Elias whispers in my ear as we walk toward my father and the rest of them.

I glance up at him, "He's not in love with you. Stop fantasising about him, Elias."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. You're the only one I fantasise about," he throws me a wink.

"You fantasise about me?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Who doesn't?" Elias laughs, "You're too beautiful to not be on my mind."

I chuckle as we stop in our steps, "I know I am."

I look at my father standing in front of us and for the first time, he was smiling as if he was proud of me.

"Duke Vasikalis, I see that you've already taken a hold of my daughter," my father glances at the ring on my finger, "I'm happy to see that."

Elias laughs, "Duke Athens, I should be happy that your daughter gave me a chance and chose me."

I chuckle, nodding my head.

"That is true," he nods, "She did give you a chance out of hundreds."

"And what is going on here?"

The Emperor is standing next to my father, a curious look on his face as he stares at me and Elias. We all bow our heads at him as he pats my father's shoulder.

"You won't believe it," my father starts, "Ruby finally has a fiancé."

"Oh," the Emperor blinks twice, "And that's you?" He points at Elias.

Elias nods, "Yes, your majesty. I'm the lucky man," he smiles.

The Emperor chuckles, "Clearly. You're a very lucky man, unlike someone," he murmurs his last word under his breath.

The Emperor looks around until his eyes land on what he was looking for and he smiles.

"Aaron! Come here, you need to hear this!"

I inwardly groan as my eyes meet his.

He arches an eyebrow at his father but does not hesitate to walk here. A few strides with the help of his long legs and he's already standing next to the Emperor.

"Yes?" Aaron glances at his father before looking around at all of us. He was the tallest one here.

The Emperor smiles a little, "Your best friend, Ruby, has-."

"She is not my best friend," he scoffs, throwing me a look of disgust.

"Who would even want to be your friend?" I frown, throwing him the same look.

"They're back at it again," my father sighs, shaking his head a little.

"Aaron, congratulate her," the Emperor points at me.

"For what reason?" Aaron frowns.

The Emperor sighs, "She's engaged to Duke Vasikalis. The celebration is yet to happen though."

My father nods, "Oh, yes. We shall host a grand ball."

Aaron lets out a laugh and stares at me with a blank look, "You all are trying to fool me, right? There is no way she got engaged."

I lift my hand and hold it near his face, allowing him to look at the diamond ring on my finger.

"Pleased, now?" I tilt my head.

He stays silent for a few seconds before he starts moving his lips.

"Good for you, Lady Athens," he states, no emotions lacing his words.

Such a plain reply. I thought he would at least be glad that he could get rid of seeing me.

I fake a smile, "Thank you, your highness."

"I'll see all of you later," the emperor smiles, "It looks like we're needed at the palace," he murmurs, looking at my father, his chancellor.

"Yes, we do have some visitors coming soon," my father nods.

The Emperor and my father are the first to leave us and we watch them get into the car, leaving to go back to the palace.

"Weren't you supposed to leave as well?" I glance at Aaron.

"No," he states, "I'll go later. I'm not needed."

"Do you want to sit and talk with us, your highness?" Elias smiles at him, "We'll be more than happy to have you join us."

Aaron stares at him with no emotions, looking as if he was sick and tired of seeing Duke Elias, "No. I do not want to feel sick by hearing you two talk."

"Fine," I shrug, "I didn't want to be near you as well."

"Likewise, Ruby," Aaron scoffs, "Leave. I can't stand to see your face any longer."

I stare into his eyes for a few seconds, watching his harsh glare soften for a second before his gaze hardens again.

"That's quite rude of you to say that to her," Elias furrows his eyebrows, "Let's go, Ruby," he places his hand on my back, "It seems like the prince wants to be alone."

"I wasn't talking to you," Aaron snaps, glaring at Elias, "So keep your mouth shut before I break it."

"Prince Aaron," I say firmly, "You are the crown prince of the empire so please act like one."

Aaron scoffs, "And who do you think you are to talk to me like that?"

I turn my head around, "Elias, please leave us for a minute," I throw him a small smile.

Elias nods, holds my hand, presses it and smiles at me before leaving.

"What?" Aaron scoffs, "Why did you send him away? Are you scared that he's going to leave you after he sees you raging in anger?"

I look at Aaron, giving him my full attention, "Are you mad that I finally have a fiancé?"

He presses his lips together and then bites his bottom lip, "Stop speaking absolute nonsense, Ruby. Why would I even be affected by whatever that happens to you?"

I scoff, "It seems like you are deeply affected by my choices in life."

He glares at me, "I am not."

"Then why are you throwing tantrums?" I arch an eyebrow, "I know that you're angry daily but today it's different."

Aaron looks straight into my eyes, "I do not like him."

I scoff, "You do not like me either."

"No," he shakes his head, "That's different. I hate him."

I blink, "You hate me too. How's that any different?"

He groans and runs a hand through his dark hair, "I don't care who you associate yourself with," he states, "But never associate yourself with him."

"I will," I state, "Who are you to tell me not to marry a man just because you don't like him?" I let out a laugh, "Even your father, the Emperor, has no problems with this. I don't believe that you even have the right to even get mad at me for this."

He clenches his jaw, "Ruby, you know that you should listen to me."

"You? The person who has caused nothing but chaos in my life? I think the hell not, Prince Aaron." I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Fine," he scoffs, "Do whatever you want, Ruby," he rolls his eyes.

"I was going to anyways," I shrug, "Have I ever listened to you?"

He silently stares at me for a few seconds, "Have fun with your little minion," he murmurs.

"Oh, I will," I smile, "Loads of fun."

He scrunches his face in disgust, "For God's sake, get out of my sight."

"That's my greatest wish, your highness," I mutter, hitting my shoulder against his as I walk past him.

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