4|The New Normal

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A/N: I promise that this is the last chapter before Hogwarts approaches. I wanted to let y'all in on the plot(at least enough to make you people curious ;) Alright, on with it.

Age 5

Hadrian was shivering. He, now, regretted training from early in the morning till late in the night. Well, it wasn't his fault, emotionally. He was tired of hiding in his wing. How the hell had old Harry lived and travelled alone for years! He was driven mad in a year.

"Ah, young Master, you forget that he was a grown and war hardened man but you are a small and neglected boy", Death chided coolly. Hadrian scowled.

"So it's time for today's tale? Which one is it, eh", he raised an eyebrow.

"Today master, I will tell you about the tale of Time and how he led to the creation of Destiny and Doom. He is known by many names- Kronos, Aion, Kali, Zurvan, Saturn, Tai Sui- lots of 'em", Death said.

He continued, "You remember, I told you about Mother Magic? She felt that the world might not advance at all if they did not feel there was a deadline-not death. They needed something to make them realize that they were on a standstill and years had passed. That they needed to do something to be remembered for by their future generations. This is where comes Doom- Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, Urðr, Verðandi and Skuld, Shashthi- the list goes on. Now, Mother Magic was worried, the humans had a certain limit to complete their task but no idea how to do it.

"So, to define it and shape it, she poured a little bit of her essence outside her body- nothing specific- just what she will determine. Hence, Destiny came to being. And all those forms, she spread stories about them when she went to see how they were doing, sometimes. Fate was someone who no one created, because humans believed there must be something or someone notorious and mischievous who continuously messed up their lives, she came to being. She was a piece of their superstition who sprang up because they wanted her to. Just as they imagined her, and she still keeps changing as human belief keeps shifting", Death concluded.

Hadrian had been furiously noting it all down. The thing was, the notes were a mixture of different languages. At least the ones that had come back from past and he had revised in this one. French, Parsletongue, Dutch and Spanish.

Age 6

"Mater Hadrian! Master Hadrian! Yous bes asleep for 2 days", Mipsy's squeaky voice said.

His vision was practically swimming. He groaned. Now, he was regretting trying to train his body to endure so much. Yeah, he shouldn't have tried to run twenty rounds of the whole Potter Manor which was roughly the size of Diagon Alley. He had passed out and hit his head. Hard.

"Hadrian, up. Now. It is time for your next lesson", Tenebris's voice called out.

Hadrian mumbled a small "comin'", and got up. He stumbled and fell back on the bed. So much for having more stamina than all others his age, he shook his head. He got up again and went to the bathroom. He looked like he had run a marathon and partied all night long. technically, the first part was right. He quickly freshened up, really quickly. He knew it was important he kept track of his schedule and didn't mess it up.

Sometimes, it was a lot and the fact that he had to keep reviewing and recalling the knowledge of his past was a pressure. He had nightmares.

"Will I have to curse you to get you to come to the library? Because, believe me, I will, even through this wretched portrait", Tenebris said.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora