21| Yule In Girona

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A/N: Be glad that I even got time to Update!!! It's been hectic asf! Some of this shit hurts to write 😭😭 (and I'm listening to 'Hurts so Good' by Astrid while writing it 😭😭)

She sighed wearily and rubbed her eyes. He looked at her with sad, resigned eyes.

"I don't know Padfoot... Alex hasn't said a word about meeting Harry in any of his letters; I don't want to involve Dumbledore. It just doesn't feel right", Lily reasoned.

"But we need to see if he still wants us back. Ten years is a long time", Sirius said sorrowfully.

"Well... the Christmas break is beginning soon, so we'll go pick him up from there. Maybe he won't mind.  We'll even have enough time to address all the issues as Alex said that he wants to enjoy this break at Hogwarts", Lily smiled hopefully.

"But I still don't understand how he was never seen lurking around the house! He couldn't have been that stealthy", Sirius suddenly burst out.

"We never went to that side... to the West wing- to him. There's not a single photo of us in his room but he has pictures with the likes of Narcissa Malfoy and Myra Zabini. I really shouldn't have done that", her eyes widened in realisation of what she had done.

"Shouldn't have done what, Lils", Remus frowned as he balanced four mugs filled to the brim with hot chocolate.

He set them down carefully and licked the side of his mug where some of the drink had spilled. It was morbid how one of the closest people to Hadrian didn't even remember his existence. Just like all of them, he had forgotten as well.

"Prongsie, Moony... Lily and I were thinking of visiting Kings Cross for old time's sake. What do you think", Sirius sighed wistfully. She felt guilty for lying to them but she didn't want to say anything before she knew for herself.

"Of course! This is going to be fun", James grinned boyishly and Remus laughed but agreed.

She was pretty sure that Remus had picked up on the fact that there was an ulterior motive to this visit. He had a very strong sense of intuition as a werewolf, after all.

"Wait! What's the date today, again", Remus asked slowly.

"It's twenty third. Why do you ask", Sirius asked in confusion.

"Shit! the train will be reaching here any minute now! Hurry if you want to catch it's arrival", Remus swore loudly resulting in a dirty look being thrown his way by Lily.

Lily looked around eagerly for any sign of the tall, dark haired boy. Half of the station had already emptied but she hadn't lost hope just yet.

Then she saw a group of teenagers that she recognized from the pictures in Hadrian's room. After hesitating for a few moments, she plucked up the courage to approach them.

"Hello... you all are Harry's friends, right? I was wondering whether you've see him", she asked with a small smile.

"Shouldn't you know that as his mother?" a pretty blonde girl said bitingly.

"And... he hates being called that", a boy- most likely Malfoy- prompted condescendingly.

"Aren't you ashamed? When he needed you, you didn't. Now you want him, and he doesn't. Why should he come back? Because you 'love' him?", Cedric Diggory remarked scornfully. He seemed to be controlling his temper and voice.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora