20|The Yule At Hogwarts

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A/N: Hellooooo... Yes, I'm alive, and very sorry for not updating- but i'm too lazyy!!!

Alex sat in his bed and thought about the devil that was his brother. Hadrian had visited him the previous afternoon, when he was in the Hospital Wing. Alex had thought that he was there to ask about his health. Alas! He was proven wrong, again. 

Was his brother even sane? He always did stuff that made no sense.


He hissed and groaned again as Madam Pomfrey cleaned his bruises. The woman shot him a dirty look asking him to stay still.

"Not my fault it hurts! I can still feel, you know", Alex frowned and hissed again.

"Madam Pomfrey, you must have other patients to treat as well. I'll handle him, you may look at those who actually need your help," a familiar voice reached him, making the hair at the nape of his head stand up.

"Oh, thank you-", Madam Pomfrey's sentence was left incomplete as her hand flew to her mouth to stifle a gasp.

Hadrian had a large gash on the side of his arm that was wrapped in long crepe bandages. They seemed wet and sticky- probably from ointment. He knew how to do stuff. Alex had to give his brother that much.

"Mr. Potter! You should have come to me rather than trying to treat your wound yourself. It might be infected by now", Pomfrey bustled around gathering the things needed to redress the wound.

"It's nothing I couldn't handle, besides, you already have so much on your hands. You shouldn't worry so much. I even washed it before trying anything", Hadrian reassured her sheepishly.

After thoroughly examining the wound and determining that it had been treated nicely, Pomfrey huffed and said reproachingly, "I'm letting you off the hook this time since you did a decent job on it. I swear to Merlin that if you pull a stunt like this again..." She let the threat hang and left to see another student.

Alex's brain was screaming at her to not leave him alone with the Devil but his face remained passive.

"You should practice Occlumency if you are so desperate for people to not see your thought process. When your brain works, I can see and read everything that's going on in there", Hadrian broke the silence. He tapped the side of Alexander's forehead twice.

Hadrian grabbed the bottle of Dittany kept on the table and poured some on a cotton swab. Applying it carefully, he shot Alex a look, daring him to make a sound.

"You are more delicate than I was at six. Did you never have scrapes while playing, hmm? Was Mommy always there with ickle little dipshit while playing", he asked with a withering glare.

Okay, he would give anything to have Madam Pomfrey back, tending to him. He bemoaned his bad luck.

"Let me tell you something- I want to give you a very important piece of advice, so here it is: don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. I know, for a fact, that you are gonna do the opposite but I guess I just want to be there to say 'I told you so'. Now, sit still, let me do my work", Hadrian continued impassively.

"How- how did you get hurt so badly", Alex asked hesitantly.

"When I dodged that hoop, I slammed into an empty side of the stands- it was probably the metal net or something", he replied offhandedly and got up.

"Don't. Stick. Your nose. Where. It doesn't. Belong", Hadrian repeated while poking his leg to check for pain. Before Alex could reply, he turned and stormed off.

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