17|The Box of Woes

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A/N: OMG!! 11k+ views and 500+ views!!! I appreciate the support ♥♥♥

Daphne glanced at Hadrian's notes to see if she had missed anything. Oh right, his notes were language coded. She rolled her eyes and shifted a little to sit comfortably. Shit! Frowning, she subtly scooted back and sat even straighter.

"Psst! Psst! Hades, you need to get me out of class or my side of the bench will look like a war zone", Daphne murmured, pursing her lips.

"How... imprudent, There is no way in hell that McGonagall will allow you to leave. Just cast an Evanesco when you get up", Hadrian commented off- handedly.

"Don't talk shit, Hadrian! My skirt can't be cleaned like that- also- I won't be sitting in a pool of my blood for the next bloody hour", Daphne whispered back scathingly.

"Alright! Alright! Bloody woman", Hadrian rolled his eyes.

"Professor McGonagall, Daphne, here, is feeling light-headed. Could you please excuse us. I will take her to the infirmary and come back in a few minutes", Hadrian smiled awkwardly in a show of nervousness.

"Miss Greengrass, is it true", McGonagall frowned.

'No, Hadrian is mentally challenged' Daphne thought sarcastically. "Yes, professor", she said, instead.

McGonagall muttered an incantation while pointing her wand at her. The tip glowed maroon and McGonagall pursed her lips. "She may leave but you will have to stay, Mr. Potter", she finally relented.

"Oh, and a point to Slytherin for helping a fellow student", she added with a rare smile.

Daphne got up and gingerly walked out. Hadrian had seemed distracted today. It wasn't easy to realize that but she knew where to look and for what. Something was going on.

Someone bumped into her and she stumbled. She looked up after steadying herself and found a scared first year.

"I am so sorry! I was in a hurry and didn't notice where I was going", said the first year picking up his fallen satchel.

"Nevermind, what surprises me is that you apologised although you are a lion and I- a snake", she replied, amusedly.

"I am not a stereotype, Greengrass", Longbottom scowled.

Daphne only smiled condescending, and sauntered off.


Hadrian tried to keep the nervousness to a minimum but that damn red velvet box would not shut. Alexander must have already seen the Cerebrus. Draco had been furious for a week when it hadn't worked. The Midnight duel's idea was actually that of Blaise. He needed to keep an eye on the annoying snakes and cubs- make sure they didn't end up diverting stuff and make his knowledge ahead useless. As the bell rang, he jerkily got up. He needed Death- and as much as he hated to admit it- the old man, Tenebris.

Getting out of the classroom, he spotted the small snake carving on the lower half of the wall that indicated a parsle- passageway. He used them when he did not feel like socialising. Now was such a time.

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